• Resolved adzay


    To cut a long story short, besides the obvious label differences, are there any other differences between the Event and Locations custom type?
    Anything that prevents me from using the native wordpress ‘pending review’ function, because you have your own ‘approve’ function?

    I ask this ‘silly’ question because I am using a form plugin called formidable pro. With it, I made a form that allows users to submit locations that go to the “pending review’ status. It then redirects the user to the post that is under review (just so they can see what it looks like). It works perfectly.

    It doesn’t work the same for Events. Is it because there are more limits to the events post type?


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  • Thread Starter adzay


    Also I have already asked the form plugin creators, they think the way the Event custom post type is registered could be the cause.

    If you are curious the link to the support feed is here

    Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    sorry, this might not be possible at the moment.

    Thread Starter adzay


    Hi Angelo, thanks for the reply.

    Does your answer mean that its not possible for you to check now?….or does your answer mean that i cannot submit using that plugin due to restrictions on the Event post type which cannot be changed?

    If the latter can you tell me where to find the php that registers the post type so that I can do some trial an error tests on my part?


    Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    I mean this isn’t possible out of the box (integrating the two plugin) but still doable by custom php coding which unfortunately I can’t help you out since I haven’t use formidable pro before.

    “where to find the php that registers the post type”
    – try events-manager/em-posts.php

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    This is because EM registers specific custom field values like _event_start_date, _location_id and many more, in order to provide event meta info.

    additionally, we store all that in a seperate wp_em_events table that links the post to an event id.

    you’d need to create a script that intercepts formidable’s logic and create the event using our EM_Event objects, you may be able to get away with firing the get_post_meta and save_post_meta functions.

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