• hi there

    i have to do a website assignment using the wordpress cms. i also have to exclude the blogging part. so basically the website should just look like a normal website without blogging. i can not find themes that are without blog template. i would appreciate any help.

    ps: i am new to wordpress


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  • What blogging part(s) do you want to eliminate?

    I assume he/she has the whole sidebar in mind. Categories, blogroll, etc.
    But I figure instead of me making a new thread with the same question/inquiry in mind, I’ll just use this one.

    I want to get rid of the archives, and rename ‘Categories’ to something else. Which specific file would I go about doing that in?

    I’m using the painter theme, but I imagine it’d be universal in all themes.

    @ MistressVictoria
    if using widgets
    admin – appearance – widgets
    just remove the archives widget and rename the categories widget title

    If not using widgets, you will need to open theme’s sidebar.php and remove code for archives and change category title manually.
    always back up 1st

    Thanks sam. It was widgets and I totally didn’t remember about the widgets.

    *sigh* Well anyway, thanks. =D
    I hope the original poster is using widgets as well, as those are easy to remove. ^^;

    Thread Starter jinal


    hey there
    basically my assignment requires me to not have any form of blogging on website. so im guessing that the side bar!!(does that make sense) im actually not sure how to explain in properly


    Here’s how…

    Go to pages and create another page called HOME. Then create the remaining pages you want on the site. Go to SETTINGS>READING. There, set the “Front Page Displays As” to “A Static Page” then select “HOME” from the dropdown (Front Page). This will essentially disable the WordPress blog homepage and cause your home page to become the main page of the site.

    Go back to the pages you created and quick edit them to not allow comments. (No one probably can anyway but I like being safe.)

    I usually install a plug in called pageMash that helps me rearrange the pages into a better order because About is going to want to display before Home. (This is an easier method than setting page priorities.)

    I also use Contact Form 7 to create the contact page. That, too, is quite simple (enter an email address then post the code to your page).

    There you have it. Make as many pages as you like and turn in your assignment. Good luck on that grade!

    Thread Starter jinal


    hey perrydyse

    thank you heaps for you reply:)
    i will try that and see how i go with it

    thanks again

    Thread Starter jinal


    hi there

    i installed the wordpress CMS an d followed the steps given by perrydyse. however, i realised that the main page still looks like a blog. That was not what i was after. My assignment requires me to make the home page not look like a weblog. i have a link to what my page looks like at the moment:


    Could anyone help me out as to how i can get rid of the items in the circle, coz i dont want those to show when a user visits the website – so basically just a normal looking website (without any blogs) –

    i would appreciate any help

    Hi Jinal,

    To remove circled part, you have to remove code from theme pages.

    Just let me know how you want it, I will try to do it for you.

    Kapil Jain

    Thread Starter jinal


    Hi kapil

    thank you so much.
    I would like to remove those parts in the circle and put things that i want in the website.
    My lecturer will be telling me tomorro what he requires me to put in the website, so I will post another entry in here to let you know.

    thanks once again

    To remove the circled part, do these things in default wordpress theme:

    1. Remove the following code from index.php, archive.php, single.php, search.php (backup current pages before making changes)

    <p class="postmetadata"><?php the_tags('Tags: ', ', ', '<br />'); ?> Posted in <?php the_category(', ') ?> | <?php edit_post_link('Edit', '', ' | '); ?> <?php comments_popup_link('No Comments »', '1 Comment »', '% Comments »'); ?></p>

    2. Replace all code from sidebar.php with the following (backup current page before making changes):

     * @package WordPress
     * @subpackage Default_Theme
    <div id="sidebar">
    			<?php get_search_form(); ?>

    Kapil Jain

    Thread Starter jinal


    hi kapil, i am just in the process of finding a good theme. once i do that, i would be able to make the changes. thank you for your help:)


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