• I was curious if anyone has utilized WordPress as a Member Only Ebook.

    I plan to protect my member-only WordPress installation with Amember or equivalent, but I think there are some huge benefits to using WordPress in this application over the standard PDF.

    Good Sides:

    • Each page is search engine friendly
    • If not logged in, user and search engine bots will see the_excerpt teaser along with “BUY! BUY! BUY!” propaganda
    • Management of pages is mega easy in the Wordprss admin
    • Pasting pages from Open Office with formatting works extremely well with the WordPress WYSIWYG editor
    • Manipulating wordpress utilizes standard php, html, and css which I’m very familiar with. MediaWiki requires learning a whole new system.

    Bad Sides:

    • WordPress is not setup by default to handle book style navigation
    • I have no clue how to create and manage a table of contents automatically and may have to do this manually

    Has anyone attempted to use WordPress in a book style CMS? Are there any better solutions out there that meet my needs? Any clue how I could go about book style navigation?

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  • I’m not sure what a member only ebook is but if you want a TOC maybe you could create a category with the name of the book then each chapter would by a post under that category. Then you could create a page (or post) that would list all the posts in that category as links. There are template tags to do that. The only thing you’d have to worry about is how to get them in the proper order if chapters aren’t added chronologically.


    Make a page with the book title then each chapter would be a child of the title page. chapters could be accessed as a dropdown menu.

    my 2 cents

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