• Hi .. There was a topic a few months ago on this topic which is now closed and I wonder if anyone can offer any further advice based on recent developments.

    I’m looking to create a site for a friend who offers sewing classes. These courses are held at one of two locations, one of which does it’s own bookings but for the other we would like to provide our own booking and payments. The courses are held every few weeks, last for 1-5 days and can only be attended by a fixed number of people (and clearly when the course if full, no more places can be sold). It would be great to be able to base this on woocommerce so that folks could either enter the system by clicking on specific class products and then be told what dates are available, or to go in via a scrollable timetable (like google calendar).

    I see that wooagenda is available and appears to do most of this but I’m not sure if it can do the timetable bit. Can anyone comment on whether wooagenda (or any other plugin) will do what I’m looking for please ?

    Ron B

  • The topic ‘Using woocommerce for class booking’ is closed to new replies.