Thanks for the examples and explanation.
So I suppose right now you’re using a custom template with your theme which is fetching all those custom fields and putting them in the right place.
I see that post’s traditional “content” seems to actually be blank, so pretty well all the information about the post is in the ACF data.
So if PMB Pro just listed all the ACF fields and their values, that would probably be a pretty good start (and if you want a more custom display you could create your own custom template just like you’ve done on the web-view).
Eg something like
Table with a List of Society-members (ca. 400 BCE)
Publication: {{publication ACF field value}}
Translation: {{translation ACF field value}}
Greek text: {{greek text ACF field value}}
Translator: {{translator ACF field value}}
Would that be helpful for you? Or would you be more likely to write a custom HTML template?
FYI I have an issue on GitHub tracking requests for ACF integration like this here: You’re not the first!
I think I’ll try to finish up PMB Pro and get it released so everyone can use the existing features it has, then working on this. I’ll add a comment here when I have progress to report.
I’d suggest you follow that issue on GitHub in case this issue gets archived and closed to new replies.