• I installed this plugin last night, only to wake up this morning with a email from Bitly saying that I had used more than 50% of my monthly quota already (I had actually only created 3 links so far). When I logged into my account, it had links from blog posts of the last 3 years. I immediately deactivated the plugin, since my site actually has more than 1k posts, and Bitly’s monthly limit is of 500 branded links.
    The plugin is quite helpful, and I like having my Bitly branded link on the post page. But is there a way to prevent it from creating custom links of old posts, instead of just new ones, from now on?


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  • I had the same thing happen today. I have been using their Branded Bitlink Links for years now, yet this afternoon I got an email saying I hit the 50% used threshold (which I very rarely hit) then a few hours later it was up to 90%. Not sure why Bitly is going through all my old posts and creating new links for them.

    Me too. I’m inclined to fork this plugin and fix the mess. Otherwise, I’m just turning it off.

    I’ve been blogging for 15 years with WordPress. I do not need that many bitlinks!



    I signed up for an account yesterday – bought a url to customize with and overnight my 1000 link limit was exceeded. I made 1 link – the rest were old blog posts that I had no intent on creating bitlinks for. Hopefully this is a glitch that will be corrected. For now I disabled my account. Anyone know of any other similar services I can use?



    Just as an update – I contacted customer support about this issue and was told there was nothing they could do. They said to wait 2 weeks and then I would be able to create custom urls again. Well thanks – so far it has been a complete waste of time. I’m sure when their system ‘resets’ my counter it will just auto create 500 custom urls of OLD posts.

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