• Hello —

    I’m currently giving my site an overhaul. I would like my home page to be a splash page and use the domain name (my name) williamsperuzzi.com. I can set it up as a static page with a carousel of photos or some variation. From that navigation bar I have set up a Blog link to jump to my blog thissavageart.com. Both sites are separate (in two separate folders in two separate databases on a server) now. How do I set this up? I have installed my theme into the themes folder for both sites.

    Here is a demo of the theme I’m using and how pretty mush how I want my site to function:


    Simply, I want my home page to have the header “William Speruzzi” with a domain of https://www.williamsperuzzi.com and a blog link that takes me to This Savage Art (www.thissavageart.com) a blog I’ve have for over five years. The both will share the same navigation bar.

    As it is now the Home link for This Savage Art’s address is https://www.thissavageart.com/home-3/ and the Blog is https://www.thissavageart.com/blog-3/

    Is there any way to edit the address on the Blog Edit Page in the Dashboard so it reads https://www.thissavageart.com instead of https://www.thissavageart.com/blog-3/?

    What I’m doing wrong here?



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