Most of time users use small effects like 3 or 4 image hover at single line and its auto decorate into mobile or tabs versions as they are almost same size.
In your design you add big image with large text so i write some custom css and you modify it with each design.
##for tab
@media only screen and (min-width : 669px) and (max-width : 993px){
.image-ultimate-map-2 .image-ultimate-hover-2 .iheu-info h3{
font-size: 60px;
line-height: 120%;
##for mobile
@media only screen and (max-width : 668px){
.image-ultimate-map-2 .image-ultimate-hover-2 .iheu-info h3{
font-size: 60px;
line-height: 120%;
look each shortcode have style id. Check my shortcode so you will confirmed about id. ex. [iheu_ultimate_oxi id=”2″] so kindy change each id with each shortcode.
for example (.image-ultimate-map-2 .image-ultimate-hover-2 .iheu-info h3) here i write 2. I can give full css file but can’t as confusing with your font size. kindly complete one and reply back to and hope i can give full custom css.
@thereznation kindly set one and reply. So after confirmation i can reply full custom css.