• Hello!

    I’m currently developing my business page in WordPress and I’ve stumbled upon a problem. I have a static front page which I would like to use the loop on to fetch specific <div> ID’s of a page and echo them at specific places in the HTML hierarchy. I have no clue at all if this is possible (but I do believe it is possible) any ideas on how to solve this?

    https://gyazo.com/97f332b403de25f49f916ace02e0e696 this is how it looks when I don’t use the loop to fetch the content.

    The code is:

    <div id="service_info">
    		<div class="span3">
    							<p>Att ranka h?gt i s?kmotorerna ?r ett kritiskt moment f?r att driva trafik till sin webbplats, genererar inte din hemsida
    							dem resultat du ?r ute efter? [Business name] erbjuder ett flertal olika tj?nster inom s?kmotoroptimering, vill du l?sa mer om v?rt arbete
    							med s?kmotoroptimering, tryck h?r.


    If I were to use a page and put this code in the “Visual”. How would I use the loop to fetch that specific ID to that certain place in the hierarchy? The <div> I want to echo is <div id=”service_info”>.


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