• Plugin Author Barry


    I’m stoked that so many people have found [event_rocket_calendar] to be useful. At this point, though, I do feel the need to highlight a couple of things:

    1) I recommend you stop using it

    As of the 3.9 release, Events Calendar PRO ships with its own shortcode that is, essentially, a port of [event_rocket_calendar]:


    Now there is an official solution to the problem there is no need to use Event Rocket’s implementation and it’s unlikely I will maintain it going forward (though of course, to avoid breakages, I won’t remove it immediately, either).

    It’s also likely that a future Events Calendar PRO release will ship with its own built-in versions of the list, countdown and venue shortcodes, too, and once they are available I’d again recommend switching over and using those official implementations.

    2) To customize the output, you need to learn how to customize the widget

    Taking [event_rocket_calendar] as an example – though the same principle applies to the list, venue and countdown shortcodes – it is really nothing more than a thin layer that wraps around the calendar widget itself.

    In light of that, if you need to tweak its appearance you most often need to know how to customize the widget itself and I strongly recommend using the learning resources on theeventscalendar.com if you need guidance on doing so ??



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  • onirgoc


    Hello Barry,

    does it means that to do [event_rocket_calendar title=’My title ‘ category=”73″] we have to customize calendar widget ? can you be more specific ?

    If so your solution is much more easy…


    Plugin Author Barry


    Things will carry on just as they are (on an Event Rocket level).

    If you have a solution you’re happy with that is based on [event_rocket_calendar] then, for the time being at least, there’s no reason to stop using it ??

    Will the shortcodes be available for the non-Pro version?

    Also, for the current Events Rocket shortcodes, how can we get it to not show events that are already past. As you can see on https://freeindeedchurch.org/ (far right under slider), the shortcode is showing an event that has already past. We only want it to show upcoming events, not all events.

    What attributes do we add for that?


    Plugin Author Barry


    Hi Rob,

    Will the shortcodes be available for the non-Pro version?

    These particular shortcodes wrap up widgets provided by both The Events Calendar (a simplified list widget) and Events Calendar PRO (an advanced list widget plus calendar, venue and countdown widgets).

    So far as I know only PRO is introducing shortcode widget wrappers, but you could always clarify on The Events Calendar forum and/or post a feature request for The Events Calendar itself to introduce such a wrapper.

    It’s a good question and raises a good point: in all likelihood the list widget shortcode provided by Event Rocket will continue to be maintained in respect of the list widget provided by The Events Calendar itself.

    Also, for the current Events Rocket shortcodes, how can we get it to not show events that are already past.

    I see two uses of the list widget including one on the right under the slider – both appear to be listing an event in August – perhaps you’ve resolved this problem?

    It does also look like you are using WP Super Cache – perhaps you were simply viewing cached output?

    Any clue how to add the FULL Calendar functionality with a custom query via Shortcode???

    Something like: [event_rocket view=”Map” category=”featured”]

    Plugin Author Barry


    Hi werm42,

    I’m afraid at this time neither Event Rocket nor The Events Calendar/Events Calendar PRO can facilitate that.

    Event Rocket will let you set the main events page as the front page of your blog, but nothing beyond that (yet).

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