Hello Olaf,
by the way, did you want to display the shifts of the currently logged in user? If yes, then we have an undocumented ?? feature: you can supply the ‘_current_user_id_’ for the ‘staff’ shortcode parameter and it will translate it to the current user:
[shiftcontroller staff="_current_user_id_"]
Regarding localization, internally it’s already there but it it’s not in the WP way, you will need to translate a language file: create a new subfolder for your language here:
then copy the app_lang.php language file from the English subfolder, then translate it. Then you will need to edit this file:
on line 137 change the language:
$config['language'] = 'dutch';
Please note that this changes will be overwritten by automatic updates so it’ll be required to keep a backup somehow. We also plan to add localization options that can be manages through the admin control panel.