• Resolved ReallyConfused


    Hi all,

    I’m trying to use post_date outside “The Loop” as I want to display latest posts on my index page as well as in my blog section.

    I’m using the following code:

    $data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM wp_posts ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT 0, 5") or die(mysql_error()); while($info = mysql_fetch_array( $data ))
    Print "<tr><td width=988><li><a href='website.com/news/?p=".$info['ID'] . "'>".$info['post_title'] . "</a> <font color=#666666><i> - posted on ".$info['post_date'] . "</td></tr>";

    However the problem is that it appears like so:

    • Post Title – posted on 2010-11-05 02:02:51
      rather than
    • Post Title – posted on 05.11.10
      (the latter is how it appears in the actual blog index)

      Can anybody help me out here?

      Thanks in advance ??

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  • An example:

    $my_date = mysql2date("m.d.y", $info['post_date']);
    echo 'date ' . $my_date;


    Thread Starter ReallyConfused


    Hi Michael, thanks for your speedy reply, I really appreciate it.

    I’ve tried putting your example into my code, but it’s not working, I’m obviously missing something.

    This is my original code:

    mysql_connect("*******", "*******", "*******") or die(mysql_error());
    mysql_select_db("*******_*******") or die(mysql_error());
    $data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM wp_posts ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT 0, 5") or die(mysql_error()); while($info = mysql_fetch_array( $data ))
    Print "<tr><td width=5></td><td width=988><h3 class='left'><li><a href='website.com/news/?p=".$info['ID'] . "'>".$info['post_title'] . "</a> <font color=#666666><i> - posted on ".$info['post_date'] . "</td></tr>";

    Is there any chance you’d be kind enough to show me exactly how the code should look after your example has been implemented?

    Thanks again ??

    Assuming you are talking about this code being in one of your theme templates then

    posted on ".mysql2date("m.d.y", $info['post_date']);

    If this is a site outside of WordPress, read Integrating_WordPress_with_Your_Website

    Thread Starter ReallyConfused


    Thanks for your reply again Michael.

    Assuming you are talking about this code being in one of your theme templates

    No, I’m happy with my theme and my theme works great. But the theme index would be located at website.com/blog, as there is more to my site than just the blog. So on the index page of the site (which has no integration with WordPress or my Theme) I would like to list my 5 most recent posts.

    The code I posted above is the exact code from the section of the index page and displays what I need, but is just let down by the formatting of the date.

    I just need to alter the existing code, to format the date.

    I read both of your suggested articles before making my original post and tried some of the suggested methods without success.

    mysql2date() wont’ work as it’s a wp function and you’re trying to run this outside of wp (which isn’t suggested).

    a better plan would be to use your wp install as your entire cms, make a separate ‘home’ page and declare that in settings as your home page and make a ‘blog’ page and put your blog inside of that. then you can use whatever wp functionality you wish across the board. otherwise if you can’t be bothered,

    $date = date('m.d.y', strtotime($info['post_date']));
    echo $date;
    Thread Starter ReallyConfused


    Hi again, just to let you know I got this sorted using 13Ham’s code

    $date = date('m.d.y', strtotime($info['post_date']));

    Thank you very much 13Ham and MichaelH for all your help.

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