• I want to access posts by their post name, e.g.:
    * index.php?p=post-slug-name
    (or using any other variable than p)

    Instead of using the post ID:
    * index.php?p=14

    But I don’t want to use the permalink features:
    * index.php/post-slug-name; or:
    * blog/post-slug-name

    So what I’m wondering is: can this be done already, or would I need to modify the code?

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  • You’ll have to change get_permalink() to return ?name=post-name instead of ?p=#. In 1.5, plugins can hook into the ‘post_link’ filter allowing you to change the link without needing to edit any WP core files.

    Thread Starter FireMotion


    Actually, I couldn’t find anywhere that “name” was used to identify posts by their post_name/post slug title. So your information is already enough :). The reason for this is that I want to use WP partly as a content manager for (semi-)static pages.

    Anyway, thanks rboren!

    Anyone did it?

    This may be a dumb question, but how to do you post a new question? I cant find it anywhere? It has to do with the “Links” section that is now showing up in my theme. Thanks.

    On the main support forum page, scroll down to the bottom; you’ll see a list of fora. Click on the forum title which most closely matches the subject of your question. Once that forum loads, scroll down again to the bottom, where you will find an input form.

    This presupposes you have done searches to make sure your topic has not previously been discussed ad infinitum ad nauseam of course.

    i can’t found it.. can you help me please.

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