Thank you, for your kind reply, I was reading the support forum but couldn’t find the way how can I simply print my events into two columns on my page.:(
I have a theme where I tried now so many things as you also can see in my other topics
If I simply use the_content() it pulls in all the maps and booking forms to each event and they appears in my 2 columns correctly!!!
if i want to use the [events-list] shortcode or any other thigns which pulls the events-list.php than I get a strange thing all my events are 3 times printed.
so I am lost a littlebit
I also tried to add
function category_two_column_classes( $classes ) {
global $wp_query;
if( is_page() ) :
$classes[] = 'two-column-post';
if( $wp_query->current_post%2 == 0 ) $classes[] = 'two-column-post-left';
return $classes;
and the classes into the style
.two-column-post { width: 47%; float: left; margin-left: 5.9%; }
.two-column-post-left { clear: left; margin-left: 0; }
as on this site somebody tells:
but doesn’t work:(
can you advise something?