• Resolved matthewhearne


    Hi. I need to be able to display the file title and the file size. I have been able to do this with:

    Size: {+file_size,commas+}”

    I’d like to be able to change the shown file size to be in MB. Having looked into this it looks like it’s possible using a filter.

    I installed the mla-hooks-example.php as a plugin, activated it and added my_filter=”all custom” to my shortcode thinking this might help and show me some suggestions, but it has no effect on the shortcode.

    Can you help at all?



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  • Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thanks for our question and for posting your mla_caption value. Thanks as well for taking the time to try out the mla-hooks-example.php plugin; you are on the right track.

    The mla-hooks-example.php plugin has a lot of code for many examples, and is more than you need. Also, I discovered that a recent MLA enhancement left this example out of date; thanks for bringing that to my attention.

    I have updated the example plugin and will include the fixes in my next MLA release. I have also created a much smaller “File Size” example plugin that will satisfy your immediate needs. The full source code for the smaller version is below; you can copy it to a PHP file and install it as a plugin.

    To use the new custom plugin, change your [mla_gallery] parameters to include:

    mla_caption="{+title+}" my_filter="file size"

    The my_filter="file size" parameter will trigger the caption enhancement you’re after. You can change the code as needed to get exactly the format you want. Here is the full source code for the custom plugin:

    Plugin Name: MLA File Size Example
    Plugin URI: https://fairtradejudaica.org/media-library-assistant-a-wordpress-plugin/
    Description: Adds File Size in KB/MB to the caption
    Author: David Lingren
    Version: 1.00
    Author URI: https://fairtradejudaica.org/our-story/staff/
    Copyright 2015 David Lingren
        This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
        it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
        the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
        (at your option) any later version.
        This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
        but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
        GNU General Public License for more details.
        You can get a copy of the GNU General Public License by writing to the
        Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
     * Class MLA File Size Example hooks two of the filters provided by the [mla_gallery] shortcode
     * @package MLA File Size Example
     * @since 1.00
    class MLAFileSizeExample {
         * Initialization function, similar to __construct()
         * @since 1.00
        public static function initialize() {
            // The filters are only useful for front-end posts/pages; exit if in the admin section
            if ( is_admin() )
            add_filter( 'mla_gallery_attributes', 'MLAFileSizeExample::mla_gallery_attributes_filter', 10, 1 );
            add_filter( 'mla_gallery_item_values', 'MLAFileSizeExample::mla_gallery_item_values_filter', 10, 1 );
         * Save the shortcode attributes
         * @since 1.00
         * @var    array
        private static $shortcode_attributes = array();
         * MLA Gallery (Display) Attributes
         * The $shortcode_attributes array is where you will find any of your own parameters that are coded in the
         * shortcode, e.g., [mla_gallery my_parameter="my value"].
         * @since 1.00
         * @param    array    the shortcode parameters passed in to the shortcode
        public static function mla_gallery_attributes_filter( $shortcode_attributes ) {
            // Save the attributes for use in the later filters
            self::$shortcode_attributes = $shortcode_attributes;
            return $shortcode_attributes;
        } // mla_gallery_attributes_filter
         * Replace the caption value and update captiontag_content as well
         * @since 1.00
         * @param    array    parameter_name => parameter_value pairs
         * @param    string    New value for Caption
         * @return    array    item_values with updated 'caption' and 'captiontag_content'
        private static function _update_caption( $item_values, $new_caption ) {
            $old_caption = $item_values['caption'];
            $item_values['caption'] = $new_caption;
            $item_values['captiontag_content'] = str_replace( $old_caption, $new_caption, $item_values['captiontag_content'] );
            return $item_values;
        } // _update_caption
         * MLA Gallery Item Values
         * @since 1.00
         * @param    array    parameter_name => parameter_value pairs
         * @return    array    updated substitution parameter name => value pairs
        public static function mla_gallery_item_values_filter( $item_values ) {
             * We use a shortcode parameter of our own to apply our filters on a gallery-by-gallery basis,
             * leaving other [mla_gallery] instances untouched. If the "my_filter" parameter is not present,
             * we have nothing to do.
            if ( ! isset( self::$shortcode_attributes['my_filter'] ) ) {
                return $item_values; // leave them unchanged
            // Add a formatted file size element to the existing caption.
            if ( 'file size' == self::$shortcode_attributes['my_filter'] ) {
                // You can use MLAOptions::mla_get_data_source() to get anything available.
                $my_setting = array(
                    'data_source' => 'file_size',
                    'option' => 'raw'
                $file_size = (float) MLAOptions::mla_get_data_source( $item_values['attachment_ID'], 'single_attachment_mapping', $my_setting, NULL );
                if ( 1048576 < $file_size ) {
                    $file_size = number_format( ($file_size/1048576), 3 ).' MB';
                } elseif ( 10240 < $file_size ) {
                    $file_size = number_format( ($file_size/1024), 3 ).' KB';
                } else {
                    $file_size = number_format( $file_size );
                // Compose a new caption, adding the file size.
                return self::_update_caption( $item_values, sprintf( '%1$s<br>Size: %2$s', $item_values['caption'], $file_size ) );
            return $item_values;
        } // mla_gallery_item_values_filter
    } // Class MLAFileSizeExample
     * Install the filters at an early opportunity
    add_action('init', 'MLAFileSizeExample::initialize');

    I hope that gives you the solution for your application. I am marking this topic resolved, but please update it if you have any problems or further questions regarding the new example plugin for File Size formatting. Thanks for your interest in the plugin.

    Thread Starter matthewhearne


    Hi David.

    Thanks for your support with this.

    What you have provided works perfectly for us.


    Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thanks for the update with your good news. If there is anything else I can do, let me know.

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