• Is it possible to change the configs in a way, so glossary plugin checks multiple word entries within the same glossary entry?

    Example1: Bandelwerk, Bandlwerk, Bandwerk
    This should result in the same description. Does WP-Glossary plugin allow cycling through multiple possible options like stated above?

    This behavior would be needed when using singular/plurar entries too.
    Example2: Katze (singular), Katzen (plural ‘N’)

    Question: Is any of the above examples (1 or 2) already supported by the current version? I’ve tried it, so I guess no – tho, I am not 100% sure.

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  • Plugin Author Bastien Martinent


    Multiple term detection is not a feature. We love to, but this one can be a little problematic to implement correctly. It is on the everlasting todo list.

    We have studied a plural autodetection too, but it is just too difficult to do in multiple languages.

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