Home / Everything else WordPress / using live writer
17 years, 5 months ago
the last step where it requires an instance url is troubling me.
I don’t know what you mean exactly, please elaborate.
linking live writer is a 4 step procedure, the last step requires an instance url that is a bit elusive for a solution.
try linking live writer to WP all goes well until it asks for an instance url and then its like ,,,, What the foo does that mean?
Apparently WP is slow to accept new users. Had the issue with posting in html and with logging in with windows live writer. It has corrected itself.
Now if I could design my own template from gifs or jpegs that I have created , I would be happy. I have some cool designs Id rather use.
Meh , its a blog not a custom site cant expect too much.
not sure what this is all about susanfiszman