say you’ve used this shortcode for your twitter username
[twitter name="myname" text="my text"]
and it gives you the markup of
<a href="" title="myname's Twitter profile" class="twitter_smsc">my text</a>
You decide to use a twitter icon that’s 16px wide by 16px tall, named twitter16.png, and you put the icons in your “images” folder inside the your theme’s folder. You could use the image with the text with the following css.
.twitter_smsc {
background: url('images/twitter16.png') no-repeat;
display: block;
height: 16px;
text-indent: -999em;
width: 16px;
With that, you’d use the image as your background, non-repeating. The link would also become block level so that you could click anywhere in the dimensions of the image. The space is 16px by 16px. The text would be offscreen so that it’s bot showing over the background image, however would still be there if someone clicked “view source”.
Make sense?