• Resolved nightbook



    This was an odd issue, the gist of it is the get_field returns an encoded string which if it’s a shortcode and used within the do_shortcode has unexpected results.

    My implementation has a custom field on a custom post which I place a gallery shortcode within and in the php for the page I pull this shortcode out with get_field and process with do_shortcode.

    I’m using this for the gallery shortcode specifically.
    So populating the field with gallery shortcode – [gallery link="file" columns="1" ids="93,90,89"]
    In my PHP I pull this information:
    $gallery =get_field(‘gallery_shortcode’);
    And process as a shortcode:
    echo do_shortcode($gallery);

    This rendered but the first image of the gallery wasn’t included.
    Printing the $gallery shortcode shows the shortcode came through but the do_shortcode failed to render it fully.


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  • Thread Starter nightbook


    Update – I’ve resolved this issue as I found the get_field was encoding the string which do_shortcode didn’t handle nicely.

    I’ve now processed the string returned by get_field with the html_entity_decode function as follows and it’s rendering properly.

    Updated code:
    $gallery = html_entity_decode(get_field(‘gallery_shortcode’));
    echo do_shortcode($gallery);

    Hope this helps someone

    I came across the same problem using Advanced Custom Fields.

    This worked for me:
    $gallery = get_field(‘gallery_shortcode’, false, false);
    echo do_shortcode($gallery);

    Thread Starter nightbook


    Thanks @garl,

    Greatly appreciated, didn’t realize the function could disable the encoding through the additional params I guess you can condense it easily into one call:
    <?php echo do_shortcode(get_field(‘gallery_shortcode’, false, false)); ?>

    All the best,

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