• Resolved francoc30


    We have different categories of photos in each quarter of a year. The Nextgen default folder is Gallery.
    Q1. Can I rename this gallery?
    Q2. Can I create multiple second and third tiers subfolders under that? The purpose is to a better way of organizing hundreds of photos. e.g. gallery\2019\First quater\
    gallery\2020\First quarter, etc
    Q3. If yes for Q2, what will be the imprecations that I should be aware of? If no, what will be a workaround to achieve what I need.


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  • Plugin Support Mihai Ceban


    Hi @francoc30,

    You can rename a gallery but this will not rename its folder or create a new one using the new gallery’s title.

    NextGen doesn’t allow having multiple tiers of the same gallery within a gallery folder.

    You may want to have a look at NextGen’s albums that are collections of galleries ( or sub-albums ) to see if that fits your requirements: https://www.imagely.com/wordpress-gallery-plugin/pro-grid-album/

    Here you will find the documentation article on how to work with albums: https://www.imagely.com/docs/albums/

    Thread Starter francoc30


    Thanks for reply. Just want to be sure that I have a clear understanding:
    1) The default folder where all images, galleries, albums are kept is wp-content/gallery. I can rename this folder to wp-content/mygallery. Correct?
    2) I cannot create multi-tiers subfolders under wp-content/mygallery, like wp-content/mygallery/2020, wp-content/mygallery/2021, wp-content/mygallery/2020/First Quarter, wp-content/mygallery/2020/Second Quarter, etc. Correct?
    3) Galleries and albums are ways to group photos together like cataloging. But the photos themselves are all stored in one big bucket in the folder wp-content/mygallery. Correct?
    4) If I put a same photo in three different galleries and put these galleries in an album, will NGG create extra photos for these containers?
    5) My website is for a photography club. It will contain thousands of photos over time. What would be the best approach to reduce page loading time in terms of image size, gallery size and album size and other considerations?

    Thanks in advance.

    Thread Starter francoc30


    More questions . . .
    6) Is there a maximum number of photos a gallery can hold?
    7) Is there a maximum number of galleries an album can hold?
    8) Is there a maximum number of albums allowed in NGG?

    Plugin Support Mihai Ceban


    Hi @francoc30,

    That’s not exactly how NextGen Gallery manages the gallery’s images.

    1) Yes, the default location of the gallery folders is “wp-content/gallery”. You can change it to any folder name but the restriction here is that the folder/folder construction must be located into “wp-content” folder;

    2,3) Sorry in case that the previous answer lead to this idea. That’s not how it works. NextGen will actually create a folder for each of the new gallery that you will create, example: “wp-content/gallery/2020”. Albums are about the way that helps to structure the galleries and will not anyhow modify the folders path.

    4) If uploading the same image to 3 separate galleries, it will upload that speciffic image to all the 3 gallery folders ( and also will create the thumbnail images for all of them into each gallery folder ). Including the galleries into an album ( or album construction ) will not create extra files or paths on your file server;

    5) I think that you may find this article helpful: https://www.imagely.com/performance/

    6) There is a number per gallery limit that’s set by default to 500 but it can be manually changed to any other number from “NextGen Gallery -> Other Options -> Miscellaneous -> Maximum image count”;

    7) There isn’t such a maximum number of galleries that an album can hold;

    8) NextGen doesn’t limit the maximum number of albums or galleries;

    Thread Starter francoc30


    Hi @mihaiimagely,
    Thanks for the reply. Now I have a better understanding how NGG works.
    I have looked into using tags to group and to display images. I notice that I can only use tagged photos on a page, but cannot include tagged photos in galleries. Is this by design or I missed some configuration settings?



    Hello @francoc30

    Weel, you can insert tagged photos to your gallery displays.
    Here is more information about it: https://www.imagely.com/docs/display-galleries-based-tags/

    At the time being, we do not have a way to filter by Gallery and tag at the same time, but please, feel free to use this feature request form https://www.imagely.com/feature-voting/

    Thread Starter francoc30


    Hi @gabyimagely,
    On the folder/subfolder piece, say I created a gallery call mygallery under wp-content\ccgallery\2020\ and have it inserted on a page and added it to an album called myalbum. Tomorrow I decided to change the folder structure and in Other Options I change the location where galleries are stored, to say wp-content\ddgallery\2020. I think this change will only affect any new galleries, right? How would this change affect the previous galleries and albums?

    As for tags, I understand dynamic galleries can be created and posted with specific tags as selections. Can the selection be multiple of tags? e.g.
    select/include all photos that have tag1 AND tag2 at the same time.

    Plugin Support Mihai Ceban


    Hi @francoc30,

    That’s absolutely correct. The gallery path from “NextGen Gallery -> Other Options -> Image Options” will apply to the new galleries that you will create but not retroactively applying to the already existing galleries. To change the gallery path of the already existing gallery, you will have to access that gallery from “NextGen Gallery -> Manage Galleries -> [access the gallery] -> Gallery Settings [Toggle] -> Gallery path”. I think that it allows to only modify r=the path of the gallery but it will not move the images to the corresponding new path so you may need to move those files by FTP.

    Yes, you can create a gallery that will have as source multiple tags. That will insert all the images that have as example Tag1 OR Tag2.

    Thread Starter francoc30


    Thanks for the clarification on the path and the usage of tags.
    Without the image selection condition of tag1 AND Tag2, I just have to name my tags with a broader range.

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