• I am trying to add some content on my events page that is specific for each date. As an example, I have a shortcode function that displays certain content on a Monday, other content on a Tuesday, etc.

    I am trying to do this on the Events->Settings->Format->Event Pages

    • In List Events by Date Title, I can add a heading and access the dates being displayed using PHP date code (#F, #j, #Y, etc)
    • In Grouped list header, I can access the date via #s with the format in Grouped list format

    But both of those fields only allow a single line and won’t allow me to call a shortcode.

    In the Default event list format header, I can add multiple html lines and add shortcodes to run. But, I can’t figure out how to access the scope for that section. I tried using both the PHP date codes and #s above, but neither is working. I’m not in a specific event so #_EVENTDATES doesn’t work.

    For a specific date page(/events/2024-09-10), I can parse the date from the URL. But when I am on /events and want to add the same content to the under the Tuesday, September 10 section and the Wednesday, September 11 section, I can’t figure out which section I am in.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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