Using Comment Form Quicktags with wp-admin folder password protected
Let me start by saying that this plugin is great!
I just wanted to share a quick tip that may be helpful to those who want to use Comment Form Quicktags, but have password protected their wp-admin directory as a good security measure.
After noticing that when not logged in as admin, viewing any post would require password authentication – and pulling my hair out, trying to figure out why – I realized that the style sheet inside the plugin directory, calls as a background an image from within the wp-admin folder, like this:
div#ed_toolbar input, #ed_toolbar span{ background: #fff url("../../../wp-admin/images/fade-butt.png") repeat-x 0 -2px;
so, on each page load it required authentication while trying to pull such image.
1 – Get rid of the url call, and just use css colors (my choice).
2 – Make a duplicate of the image, store it in a different directory, and change the url path in the style sheet.
Hope this helps!
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