Using and WordPress 4.0 bug?
Using and WordPress 4.0, no plugins other than Akismet and this one. Brand new install.
When adding domains, the first two work fine but the next ones have problems.
For example, on the third one, all looks fine but always goes to the main site. The following one never shows anything under Mapping under Sites and also leads to the main site.
I don’t remember seeing that at all. I moved sunrise.php and edited the config file.I don’t even have an mu-plugins folder in my wp-content.
I also don’t remember seeing that step in the installation instructions. I’m wondering if you have an out of date instruction set?
Or maybe I’m totally out of touch with what you are trying to do.
LOL, I don’t know why it’s not working for me.
I’m following the link George Lerner posted, which is;
Which then says go here to install the plugin;
which in turn breaks the plugin because you are told to move the mapping file.
So even without this step, I follow the first doc all the way to
“Easy Way: User Domain Mapping page”which says that there should be a domain mapping plugin on the first site;
“In the Tools menu, select Domain Mapping
/wp-admin/tools.php?page=domainmapping”Of which there is none.
I did a basic WordPress 4 MU installation. I remember there was a step there to turn on the MU functionality before running the installation…editing configuration file IIRC.
Then, I used the basic instructions for installation on this plugin. There is a note there:
“Illustrated installation instructions can be found here but you can ignore the instructions to place domain_mapping.php in mu-plugins. Thanks Otto.”— basically, all I did was move sunrise.php and add it to the config file.
My initial problems were that I hadn’t installed WordPress at the root…and then I’d messed around with which was the primary site AFTER setup. (bad bad bad idea…)
I also had to get a dedicated IP address…
Nothing else special. Just kept it pretty vanilla until I had the domain mapping working. Not all of the additional plugins that I’ve wanted have worked, but most have.
I’m pretty sure you don’t want to move that domain_mapping.php file.
I’ve also installed a fresh 4.0, installed the domain mapper and only moved the sunrise.php file.
I already have dedicated IP’s so I’m using the IP of the server. My install is at the root of the web server.
I’m convinced I’m only missing something small.
Those are the worst problems… the big ones are easier to find.
What does it do when you’ve just installed the MU plugin and nothing else?
Just out of curiosity — before you install the plugin, you DO have the multi-domain functionality, just without the mapping — right?
Yes :).
I set up the base install, convert it to network then install the plugin, move the sunrise file and configure.
At this point, I should be ready to set up another site but some things seem to be missing.
There is one thing I noticed which is unclear to me in the doc.
The doc mentioned something about NOT adding the main site into the mapping plugin but in my case, the main site is simply and nothing else. In other words, I’ve used instead of
well, you don’t map or because they are already set.
I have my sites arranged in a sub-folder structure.
So I have mapped as primary and — both mapped to
If that makes sense.
The only thing I see that I did differently was that I changed the config to be a network install, then I did the base install — so it was set up to be a network from the very first.
I was able to set up multiple sites in the sub-directory structure.
Then I added the plugin and moved sunrise.
Hm. One thing that might be a part of it — I can only see the network configuration from the network control panel, not from site1’s control panel.
Don’t know if any of that helps. It was on here that I finally realized that the network control panel is separate from the individual sites…
That’s why I wondered why it was mentioned in the doc. I guess some folks might think they need to map the main one. I just wondered if the plugin maybe required for other sites to be mapped to.
So now I have a fresh new install, network mode and the mapping plugin installed.
I’ve moved the sunrise file, added it into wp-config.php and in the Network Admin for the WP install, I’ve gone to Settings and set the IP for my server in ‘Server IP Address’ along with checking or unchecking the Domain Options I want.Even though I’ve enabled the mapping plugin to be network activated, I only see it in the network and not in my main site.
Now I have a multi-domain WP network site and the main site is Say I want to map as new site..
I go to the Network Dashboard and add a new site.
Since it needs to have the extension of my main site, then I just called it somesite1.
Now in the sites list I have
somesite1(Some people say edit the site and add it’s full url here, as in
Now I go to Settings, Domain and create my new site.
Site ID: 1
Primary: checked or unchecked (don’t seem to matter right now)It doesn’t matter because each time I hit save, nothing happens. It simply refreshes to another new screen ready to enter a new site.
So, this is a new problem that I’ve not seen before. Can you see anything I’ve missed so far?
Strangely, even though I don’t see it on the site, trying to reach the new site from a remote network is showing WP stuff.
A 404 but look at the url;
UPDATE: Oh, never mind, even sites which I’ve changed the DNS to point to my new network which haven’t been set up yet are doing the same thing.
Just means dns is working fine and reaching the main site.Only seeing it in network admin is right.
I’d this the very first site? Or the second? The first is going to be
The second is the first you map. Sometimes the id number is off, for me I made a site and then deleted it. I can’t see the id numbers. If one doesn’t work, I try the next.Have you gone into your new site and verified that it exists? Maybe double check the database for id num?
I think you are almost there.
Check which options you have checked in the network setup, too. I found them confusing. Let me see what I have…
In mine, in domain mapping, I have options 2 and 3 checked. For curiosity, also maybe check that…just to see if it makes a difference.
Yes, I can tell there are bugs, even from the last time I tried this, there are things which aren’t consistent or that no longer show up on the WP site but you can find them in the DB because they were not removed properly.
It only takes me a few minutes to re-install everything so I’ve been starting from scratch. So, ID numbers should not matter as none could be ‘stuck’ in the database for example.
As mentioned, the main site, primary, what ever you want to call it, we’ll call it That’s my new WP network site without any other sites on it.
I was adding I can see it listed in the wp_3_options table but nothing in the mapping table. In fact, there is nothing what so ever in the mapping table.
For options, I only have 2 and 3 checked right now.
I can’t see any steps that I’ve missed so cannot find a reason that my Domains setting would not stick.
The mapping plugin should be network activated right?
I know permissions are fine for the directory structure, I’ve followed the steps which are so basic, even though a little confusing at times.
I’m stumped again ??
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