• Resolved Talis


    I’m considering putting WordPress on my website as a way of organizing my updates on the main page and my layouts (I run a graphics site), on the layout page. Can I do that by installing WordPress once, or, like CuteNews, do I have to install it for every single separate folder?

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  • I *think * I understand what you mean…

    You can use WordPress to update your site no problem. The thing that gets me is your “layouts”. I’m assuming – like most designers – you keep a separate subfolder for projects (od, new and in the works), and each project is unique in how it looks?

    What I’m questioning is what you mean by “organizing” said projects. In my mind, I can see you accmplishing this is several ways. You *could* place WordPress in each separate subfolder – then you would have all kindsof administration options for each folder area. but if all of the projects are *yours* (and not so much for a client to mess around in) then I think you could do it a couple of ways from one install of WordPress.

    For example, each layout/project/folder could actually just be it’s own “theme”. Of course, you can only have your site’s theme in one way – any time you had to go back to a project or start a new one, you’ve have to change the theme for the entire site.

    Or, you could create “skins” for your site – but I don’t know wxactly how efficient that would be.

    Another option would be to separate your layouts into Pages or categories, and use “if” statement to display a different look for each one. So, say you had a project on flowers and one on music. You could have a category on Music, and a layout that’s music related. Flowers, the same. You can write an entry and place it in the proper caregory (even if the entry is nothing but images) – and when you bring up the category for “Flowers”, then all entryies pertaining to only that category – and the layout you created for that one category page – would appear. Same with music. (Do you understand what I’m saying?)

    I’m not sure if that exactly answers your question, though (I’m not sure if I’m understanding it correctly) – but hopefully it helps in some way.

    Thread Starter Talis


    Oh, I get it ^^. The them for my website, if I install WordPress would all be the same, as it would be if I used CuteNews for the same purpose.

    My layouts are freeware, and all I need is a way for people to view and download them, so WordPress sounds perfect.

    Thanks so much!

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