• Hello, I’m hpoing someone will be kind enough to poitnt me inthe right direction.

    I will be emplying WordPress integrated into a phpBB site. I already have it set up such that when a logged-in phpBB user visits wordpress, an author account is automatically created for them.

    THis is fine… but I would like to organize my site and have categories for each user automatically added too.

    Like this:

    /The Library — A set of articles that only Admins can post. Articles by leading subject matter experts. THis will have its own theme, file path. Several sub-categories under here to organize the library.

    /User Blogs

    A main page to introduce the community blogs to outsiders

    /User Blogs/Tom
    /User Blogs/Dick
    /User Blogs/Harry

    These folders are automatically created whenever a new wordpress account is made.

    So, the first time Tom visits, he gets his own author account (I already have this working)…. and he gets his own “Tom” category to post his blogs in – and can only post blogs to this category. Oh – and a default name for his blog should be set too!

    I’m sure some hackery will be involved, but I was wondering if there were any user management plugins – ir tips – that would get me going in the right direction.

    Thanks in advance!


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