• Resolved fernando1991


    It seems that there is a serious problem with creating users in moodle, when the link in the registration email is clicked, it is redirected to moodle and it is asked to change the password, but the account details, such as the name Username and email belong to the Moodle administrator!
    In other words, all new accounts are created with the administrator data.

    I tried several times from different browsers, with clean history and cache.

    I even tried it with a link that was sent to me from another country, with the same results.

    What could be causing this error?

    Greetings to all!
    (With the permission of the creator of the plugin, I made a group on facebook to support us on these issues)

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  • Hola Fernando, estoy experimentando el mismo problema con el plugin. Alguna respuesta o solución hasta ahora? Saludos!

    Thread Starter fernando1991


    Ey Chris, si lo resolvi ya, en la descripcion del producto en wordpress debes de marcar la casilla de “producto descargable” y listo, ya se generaran los usuarios de manera adecuada.

    hi, i have a problem email with wpadmin credentials

    Wordpress 5.4
    Woocommerce 4.0.1
    MooWoodle 2.2
    Moodle 3.6.4

    i need payament only by bank transfer

    Course product set as virtual price 0.00eur

    user do order and is pending status > wp admin modify to completed status > the system send email with credential to access the course but use AdminWp credentials.

    Course product set as virtual and download price 0.00eur

    user do order and it is completed status because is not necessary a check of payament confirm > the system send email with the correctly credential of the user to access the course

    Course product set as virtual and download price 50.00eur

    user do order and is pending status > wp admin modify to completed status > the system send email with credential to access the course but use AdminWp credentials.

    So i think that the problem in when the email with credential access is created

    if generated from Wp admin when change the oreder status send wrong credential
    if generated during the user purchasing process (do not need confirm payament or have paypal confirm payament) the system send the right credential.

    any suggestions?

    That explains why I have problems then, I set it to cash payments so I could test the process and just set the process status to completed in Woocommerce

    Has anyone seen a fix for this, so cash payments will work?

    Dear @alebucca73 @andrewmcd

    When the course price is set to 0, it becomes a free product. But when you set the price higher (i.e. an actual amount) the course is a paid product. So the user needs to purchase it so that the order is registered in the WooCommerce orders.

    The user may use any method they want for the payment but for a manual or cash payment, the is no way for WooCommerce to verify if the transaction was successful so you will need to change the payment status manually.
    When you manually mark the order is complete, MooWoodle does the rest of the job.

    Thank you.

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