Usernames with blanks etc
I have a page under development and being tested. WP, BuddyPress and all plugins current.
Page uses exec-php plugin. Coded PHP to display/process a search form for author name. PHP dynamically builds string for the shortcode to invoke ‘latestbyauthor plugin’ to return last 10 posts by author xxx.
Testing found the following:
Test 1) I enter username1
got his last 10 posts as expected.
Test 2) I enter user-name-two
got his last 10 posts as expected.
Test 3) I enter firstname lastname
got nothing- unexpected.
Test 4) I enter “firstname lastname”
got my own last 10 posts – very unexpected.
Test 5) I enter John Q Public
got 10 posts but not the most recent.Also noticed when I manually added user ‘First Last’ to another site, the resulting username is First-Last’. WP is inserting the hyphen. I know there’s been a lot of discussion on the forums about names with blanks, so it looks like someone just decided not to have such usernames. Some users who’ve been in my system a long time have usernames with an embedded blank.
John Q Public may predate firstname lastame, for example. Maybe the difference depends on whether the user was manually added via WP Admin or came in via the BuddyPress Registration process.Any ideas?
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