• I’m using WordPress File Upload and can’t seem to find a way to make the userdata fields have a nice tabular format. The labels are all of different length and that staggers the data entry fields. Help please!

    Shortcode used is:

    [wordpress_file_upload uploadpath=”uploads/RawMP3s” uploadpatterns=”*.mp3″ showtargetfolder=”true” askforsubfolders=”true” subfoldertree=”RawMP3s” adminmessages=”true” uploadtitle=”Upload file” notify=”true” notifyrecipients=”[email protected]” notifymessage=”Dear Recipient,%n%%n% This is an automatic delivery message to notify you that a new file has been uploaded.%n%%n%File Name:%userdata5%%n%Title: %userdata1%%n%Description: %userdata2%%n%Reader:%userdata3%%n%Project: %userdata4%%n%%n%Best Regards” widths=”filename:200px, selectbutton:80px, uploadbutton:80px, progressbar:190px, message:400px, userdata:400px” userdata=”true” userdatalabel=”Title:/*Description:/*Reader:/*Project:/*File Name:”]


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