• My initial requirements for my website was that I wanted parts of the website to be available to everybody as an advert of services provided, and part of it to be logged into. I also used htaccess files to secure the wp-admin directory as I did not want anyone gaining access to it.

    I eventually came across role scoper which is an excellent plugin, but confess I was tired or stupid and eventually found a youtube video which helped folled by reading the website of his again.

    I wanted to get ne of the staff to be to lohin from work onto a log page, and be able to post info on it.
    RoleScoper handled this well, but I wanted a login without WordPress on it and that did not go to the user profile page and just redirect to the page.

    Simple Login seemed to deal with this though I do seem to get the windows/site attempts to get her to log into that first. However if ignored it goes to a simple form in the browser and she can log in.

    I wanted to limit the page on which it appeared and initially looked at dynamic widgets which was easy to use but not compatible with it (the simple login widget.)

    I was forced to revert to the meta widget provided. However this would not work as she would need to log into the ?apache server or whatever you call the limit due to htaccess file. I really did not want to eneter her or anyone else to really be able to log into that and ideally would like her to be able to upload an excel file onto part of the site or page , maintaining its confidentiality. (accepting I don’t have ssl – which costs a lot more to have).

    I was forced to resort to the simple login, disable the dynamic widget login which complained simple login was too old a widget and needed to be updated.

    I also did not want the admin bar on the top. I just wanted her to be able to post “comments” back ou upload files. I did not want her to have full access to the admin pages on the dashboard.

    I came eventually across Hide Dashboard but this not compatible with Role Scoper.

    I need Role Scoper, could use widget logic if it works and ?does it let me use lots more widgets as I have more pages to use them on.

    I wanted to have different widgets on different pages.

    At present,
    I do not understand why “wordpress log in” needs to have the user have htaccess even if only at a level of a subscriber/??contributer be it slightly altered with role scoper.

    It would not make sense that any subscriber would have access to the wp-admin directory.
    I don’t understand why “Simple Login” works but the other doesnn’t.

    Will widget logic sortout my issues of tailor made pages without all login in etc being on all pages.

    What can I use to get rid of the admin panel from the subscriber/contributer. (On saying that if I login as her and click the dashboard it demands access via htaccess login.)

    Also is there a free for use widget that can handle multiple slideshows – different ones on different pages and a rss feed widget that can select out of the offered feeds.

    Sorry I know it seems alot but i have spent weeks on this so far, nd only a fraction of this was about the content. I also developed the site on a computer on a laptop with xamp, had probs with uploading, had to learn how to use phpadmin etc to access the database to correct the links etc.
    Please help.

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  • Try using this plugin:


    I suggest you keep your request short. You have at lease 3 request within the one post.

    Thread Starter tarun1


    I am sorry about not having a short question and agree there are multiple issues but feel all of them should have been dealt with at a core level. I was hoping my experience may help others. The theme-my-login does not really answer what I was after but thanks.My title is also not catchy.

    I want power to control who logs in, what they see – ie no dashboards and the ability for them to comment and upload without having to have htaccess adjusted for them.

    A – To hide the WP dashboard and to redirect a user group level after a login use theme-my-login

    B – To protect pages/post by group level – install the plugin UAM


    There is no need to manually configure the .htaccess, control is delivered by plugins.

    Suggestion: get in your comfi chair and visit the plugin repository, there at tens of thousands of plugins which extends WP functionality.


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