Hi @giorgosm
Thanks for response!
I hope Amelia developers will be able to improve that in future.
Meanwhile, our developers came up with a bit of additional custom code that may be helpful for you. It’s not exactly as you asked – it isn’t allowing mapping other field than password but it would store copy of the actual password in open text in submission.
It is a security risk but if you have no other choice and you’re aware of it – you can use this code at your own responsibility.
The code is:
<?php add_filter( 'forminator_prepared_data', 'wpmudev_handle_registration_data', 10, 2 );
function wpmudev_handle_registration_data( $prepared_data, $module_object ) {
if ( $module_object->id != 60 ) { //Please change the form ID
return $prepared_data;
if ( ! empty( $prepared_data['password-1'] ) ) {
$prepared_data[ 'text-2' ] = $prepared_data['password-1'];
return $prepared_data;
add_filter( 'random_password', function( $password, $length, $special_chars, $extra_special_chars ) {
$data = Forminator_CForm_Front_Action::$prepared_data;
if ( ! empty( $data ) ) {
if ( $data[ 'action' ] == 'forminator_submit_form_custom-forms' ) {
if ( $data[ 'form_id' ] == 60 ) { //Please change the form ID
Forminator_CForm_Front_Action::$prepared_data['text-2'] = $password;
return $password;
},10, 4);
and to use it you would need:
1. add a regular input field to the form and in its “Styling” setting add this as custom class name (so the field would not be visible on front-end)
2. create an empty file with a .php extension (e.g. forminator-password-store.php) and copy and paste code into it
3. across the entire code (two places actually) replace the number 60 with an ID of your form (form ID is the number that you see in form’s shortcode)
3. and also replace everywhere the text-2 string with ID of your input field that you added (so text-1, text-2 or whatever ID it has).
4. save the file and upload it to the “/wp-content/mu-plugins” folder of your site’s WordPress installation
With password field still mapped as password in registration settings, everything will work the same except – you will also see the raw password in submissions as that additional input field.
Which is actually very similar solution to what you use already except you only need to generate one password in password field and it would be “copied” over automatically to the input field.
But this is as close as far as we can get with this for now, until Amelia developers make it more WordPress-based, so to say.
Best regards,