• Resolved entrapped


    I use a third party plugin (Register Plus Redux) for automated user registration with email addresscheck.
    When I activate AIOWPS the registration process breaks.
    Both settings of “Enable manual approval of new registrations” lead to conflicts because AIOWPS takes full control over the registration process in both cases.

    How can I tell AIOWPS to keep fingers off the registration process?


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  • Plugin Contributor mbrsolution


    Hi entrapped what if you disable “Enable manual approval of new registrations”?

    Thread Starter entrapped


    disabling the option causes the newly registered users to be activated immediately.
    The processing of the other plugin is then completely skipped (Send mail to check address and then put the user account to an inactive state.)

    When I disable the complete AIOWPS Plugin everything works fine.

    Plugin Contributor mbrsolution


    Have you been in contact with the Register Plus Redux plugin developers?

    Thread Starter entrapped


    I tried but no response…
    I removed the Register Plus Redux and with the alternative plugin everything words fine.

    It’s fixed for me but this doesn’t mean there is no issue on AIOWPS

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