user reference in relationship fields
I’m trying to get WP user data to populate custom field types.
I have the aditional field ids in extended user profiles (for a custom user role: artist) and can access them in a pod and pod template so they appear in a page using that template. I’ve tried to create a relational field type so there would be a drop down of an administrator to select the relevant field value from the multiple user profiles. E.g. I have a field show name, and each user (artist in this case) has a specific value – I want to pull that value into the pod-defined custom post type “artist”. I can’t get it to work. I get the user display name, not the value of the field I’ve specified displaying. If I enable “more fields” in the artist page, then I have drop-downs available – they are the user display names and I want to pull the user profile field data in.
What am I doing wrong?
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