• Spm


    I’m having an issue using the listing profile when I register a new user it takes me to the profile screen and I enter the non-optional fields and I hit save and it doesn’t save the information. So the user is unable to post a listing. I have the allow users to register directly checked and I’m not sure if I have another setting incorrect. Any suggestions on where to start looking?

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  • Theme Author HivePress


    If the profile fields are not saved and the page just refreshes please try disabling third-party plugins, it seems like a caching issue. Also, this issue may be caused by some invalid attribute, please try to unpublish attributes one by one to check this.

    Thread Starter Spm


    good morning,

    I have disabled all plugins and removed all attributes (made them draft ) under hive press vendor attributes. When I do that , I am able to add a new listing. But when I add one attribute for the vendor (whether required or not ) it does not allow me to save it. Also, when I check the required field under HivePress Vendors Attribute, it shows OPTIONAL on the complete profile page. Also, with all attributed unpublished, i still see first name, last name and profile info.



    Theme Author HivePress


    If you marked some attribute as required and it still displays the Optional label on the front-end and some unpunished attributes are still visible then it’s 100% a caching issue (caching would also cause the non-saving issue). Please make sure that your hosting provider doesn’t enable some server-side caching solution by default, and that there are no plugins in WordPress/Plugins that may cause this (e.g. Litespeed Cache).

    Thread Starter Spm


    Sorry for the delayed response. I cleared the cache but still same problems.

    I noticed under VENDORS on the Dashboard (wordpress) the entered VENDOR user is stilld draft and wont update that status. If I go in and manually add the VENDOR user then the actual user (from the website login) can then add a listing. If i do not update the USER under VENDOR on the dashboard, the problems persists, the user is not able to update their profile to add a listing.

    I have disabled all plugins except HIVEPRESS plugins and have cleared cache.

    thank you for your insight!


    Theme Author HivePress


    The vendor profile has the draft status until the listing is approved (it works this way to prevent publishing profiles until the vendor/listing is approved). Please make sure that attributes are removed, the front-end should be in sync with the back-end unless the front-end is cached. If it’s possible to reproduce this issue please describe the steps or send any extra details that may help to detect it.

    Thread Starter Spm


    Unfortunately there is no listing to approve because i can’t get past the profile update page.

    The user is created in the WordPress user list however the hive press vendor list shows the newly created user/vendor as draft. I as the admin haven’t received any notification to approve anything

    I am removed all attributes. Not sure if front end is synced to back end.

    This is what I understand

    WordPress has its own user database , hive press had its own user database (?) And then there is a vendor database. To me (inexperienced) it seems that one or all are in conflict with each other.

    Theme Author HivePress


    HivePress uses the WP database schema, there are no custom tables in the current version. If some user becomes a vendor, this just means that their role is changed (to at least Contributor) and a linked Vendor profile is created in WordPress/Vendors section (it’s a custom post type). So every “vendor” user has a linked vendor profile, it’s in sync with user details, but vendor profiles also have custom attributes (added via the Vendors/Attributes section).
    If possible share more details about this issue, do you get some error or the page is just refreshed when you try to get past the Complete Profile step? There may be 2 reasons:
    – Some attributes are set up incorrectly (you can try unpublishing all attributes to check this).
    – Some caching plugin breaks the multi-step submission process (please try disabling all plugins except HivePress-related to check this).

    Thread Starter Spm


    Good afternoon

    I was able to disable the attributes and get past the profile screen to create a listing But when I re-enable a vendor attribute it ‘breaks’ again. Also, under profile in the first and last name fields it shows “optional” (this is with all the vendor attributed disabled). Should i try to delete the attributes and recreate them? not use the attributes?

    thanks for all your input

    Theme Author HivePress


    Please try using the code snippet suggested here to make the First & Last Name fields required https://hivepress.io/support/topic/complete-profile-issue/#post-10453 Yes, if the attribute causes this issue please delete or try re-adding it, this issue may occur if the attribute is set up incorrectly.

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