• Hello,

    I recently set up Instapage for a client and found that I could not set user permissions to “Editor” – this is bad and opens up the site for bad things to happen. WHY do you have to be an Admin to use Instapage – editors are supposed to be able to add and publish pages. Please fix this.

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  • The same problem here, I tried to use User Role editor to add more capabilities to Editor, but it didn’t help. It’s nonsense that only admins can use your plugin.

    Same problem here – any fix?

    Tried adding my own capability for instapage_dashboard but doesnt work

    Found a plugin hack which will disappear after the next update, but short term it works. The below enables Instapage editing for anyone who can create posts.


    Find line 73


      public function currentUserCanManage() {
        return current_user_can('manage_options');


      public function currentUserCanManage() {
        return current_user_can('create_posts');

    Find Line 403


          __('Instapage: General settings'),
          array($this, 'loadPluginDashboard'),


          __('Instapage: General settings'),
          array($this, 'loadPluginDashboard'),

    @bonkerz Thank you very much for this. I just need it again.
    But create_posts didn’t work, I had to change it to publish_pages for editors.
    You are awesome that you shared, this was really big help for me.

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