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  • Your problem may lie in that you (or someone else) has setup your browser such that it deletes all cookies (“c” is for cookie.. that’s good enough for me!?). Since cookies are what wordpress is using for authentification (the thing that gets saved when you check “remember me”), if you delete your cookies alot you will have to login alot, at least each time the cookies are, er.. eaten.

    the url is fine, it is what happens when you try to get to wp-admin directly, you are, redirected.

    to get to the login page directly you go to

    hope this helps. good luck.

    just thought of something else.. it could be that you are clicking “logout”.. that also deletes the cookie I believe.

    Thread Starter rubenbcn


    You are very right about the URL.

    I don’t use to delete the cookies or logout ‘cos it’s my personal computer, but I think maybe loging in from the wrong URL was messing up something.

    Thanks for your comments.

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