• In case this helps someone else, recently the main user list in my wp-admin was empty due to a fatal error originating from this plugin:

    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: int

    /wp-content/plugins/bbpress-wp-tweaks/bbpress-wp-tweaks.php(286): human_time_diff('field_59d01da89…')

    (330): BbpressWpTweaks->lastlogin(21277)#012#2 /nas/content/live/sitedomain/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php

    (324): BbpressWpTweaks->user_columns_manage('', 'login_date', 21277)

    If you are experiencing this and don’t want to edit the plugin code, you can get around it by simply going to the plugin settings page and disabling the option “Forum columns in users”.

    Hope that helps someone.

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