• Hi, when I activated moderation, I can find two options are available for moderators below profile pic: (1) Block user (2) Add user moderation flag.

    My question is can I use code snippet to turn on user moderation flag by default?

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  • Plugin Author Robin W


    I imported this section from a now closed plugin.

    The settings are in

    Dashboard>settings>forums>moderation options

    Thread Starter enkoes


    Thanks for your reply.
    I couldn’t find the settings that I need here. When a moderator unapprove a topic/reply, I want that user moderation flag turned on by default and it’s up to moderator to remove the flag individually. Can we achieve that through coding without touching the core plugin?

    Plugin Author Robin W


    sorry, I’m confused

    If a topic/reply is approved, then unapproving it puts it back into moderation.

    what different do you want to happen?

    Thread Starter enkoes


    I’m actually struggling on this matter. I analyse two scenarios here:

    Settings > Forums

    1. Moderation Options > Hold for Moderation > None

    When a participant submit a post in the forum, it is immediately published. Now one moderator “unapprove” the post, it is then put under moderation and prompted “This post is awaiting moderation.”

    Another moderator thinks the post should be allowed and “approve” the post.

    2. Moderation Options > Hold for Moderation > All posts (lockdown)

    When a participant submit a post in the forum, it is automatically put under moderation and prompted “This post is awaiting moderation” until one moderator “approve” it.

    If another moderator thinks the post is inappropriate, he will “unapprove” it and put the post under moderation again.

    In the two scenarios shown above, it appears to me like a “battle” among moderators. I have to think like that because my forum has many moderators (>100). Do you have any suggestion/advice on this?

    Plugin Author Robin W


    Not sure I can help !

    So under 2 above after the first moderator approves it – what would you like to happen?

    At present another moderator can as you say unapprove it, but who’s to say which one is right?

    If you don’t allow another moderator to unapprove, then whoever gets to the topic first is the final arbiter and they may be wrong.

    Thread Starter enkoes


    That’s the point. However, in any case the majority voice should suffice.

    To avoid excessive use of this moderation tool by certain moderators, I need to limit the number of “approve/unapprove” that each moderator can do in a day. E.g., each moderator can only “approve/unapprove” any post maximum five times in a day (24 hours).

    Sorry to tell you I have very little coding knowledge, is it possible to do that?

    Plugin Author Robin W


    it is possible, but let me have a think about how easy !!

    Thread Starter enkoes


    That’s awesome! Thank you.

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