It is strange issue that existing user accounts are blocked Generally it should not be the case. can you please send me the error it shows when login.
-When logging in it says that the credentials are wrong (invalid credentials).
if you try check for forgot password and user do not exist are you sure the username entered is correct.
-I have all the company users in a txt saved, in addition to checking the database and trying with the emails and several people tried to make sure they were not written wrong, the users are fine,
Also if possible for you to login as admin when plugin active. can you please send me the Exported settings using WP Security > Settings > Import / Export tab-
-I cannot log in as any registered user, the only solution I found was to enter via ftp and delete the plugin folder, but as a security plugin I like it and I want to do my best to use it.
Do you have Add salt postfix feature on? If possible try disable it and cross check.
-I don’t have salt activated
Here you have the configuration, thank you very much for your help.
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