• Resolved erigriffin



    It’s me again, I’ve been developing a lot of directory area, and I’m stuck with a few things. I’d really appreciate if you could help!

    The problem is I have to run 3 plugins, s2member / Buddypress / Geodirectory.
    I’m getting very confused which is which!

    On my custom profile page, I output the most info using s2member shortcode.
    However, I’d really want to show the following items.

    The page is;
    (jump to Login Welcome page)
    I made a test login detail for you;
    U: GDadmin
    P: gdadmin

    What I’d like to do is;

    • GD user’s listing map and address to be shown under “My Directory Profile”
    • Add “Edit My Listing” button and URL

    Are there this kind of shortcode exist? I read GD core short codes, I found so far is the generic shortcode to show listings, not user’s listings.

    Thank you so much for your help in advance!


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  • Thread Starter erigriffin


    Hello again,

    I somehow solved “Edit My Listing” link, I created shortcode;

    function bpGDEditLink ( $atts=null, $content=null ) {
    global $user_ID;
    if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
    return '<a href='.bp_core_get_user_domain( $user_ID ).'listings/>Edit Directory Profile</a>';
    } else {
    return "";

    So now my problem is only one, however my previous message is not correct (sorry!)
    What I’d like to do is;

    • GD user’s listing map, address and some of listing info (sales contact / telephone etc) to be shown under “My Directory Profile”

    Sorry for confusion!!
    I’m getting there, if I could solve this problem, I could finally start importing directory lists!

    Kind Regards,

    Plugin Author Paolo



    there is no shortcode to do that and I’m afraid I’m not understanding 100% what you want to do.

    Every user can have more than 1 listing, or did you limit each user to have maximum 1 listing?

    Let us know,


    Thread Starter erigriffin


    Hi Paolo,

    Thanks for your reply and I’m sorry for poor information.

    The users are as companies. Each company, there is
    – a Company Admin (can edit listing & member info and make payment)
    – company members (restricted, only can edit their personal profile)

    So yes, each company will have only (max) 1 listing. Each company admin can edit their listing info, however they can not either register nor add new listing. They have to send a request to the site admin.

    Hope this is clear!
    Thank you so much for your help.

    Plugin Author Stiofan



    You can use the follwoing function to get all the info in an array for a specific post:

    You will need the $post_id, you can use this example to get the user’s post id


    If you need more help please just ask.



    Thread Starter erigriffin


    Thank you so much for the tips Stiofan!

    I’m off work today, but definitely try your tips tomorrow morning.

    I’m sorry to ask you a very basic question (I’m a designer, not a developer, so my knowledge has limitation), do you mean that I should copy and insert geodir_get_post_info function onto the custom page template, and I should point that $post_id as arthor as well?

    If so, should I write like this:

    global $current_user;
    $args = array(
        'author'        =>  $current_user->ID, // I could also use $user_ID, right?
        'orderby'       =>  'post_date',
        'order'         =>  'ASC'
    // get his posts 'ASC'
    $current_user_posts = get_posts( $args );
    function geodir_get_post_info($post_id = '') {
    global $wpdb, $plugin_prefix, $post, $post_info;
        if ($post_id == '' && !empty($post))
            $post_id = $post->ID;
        $post_type = get_post_type($post_id);
        $all_postypes = geodir_get_posttypes();
        if (!in_array($post_type, $all_postypes))
            return false;
        $table = $plugin_prefix . $post_type . '_detail';
         * Apply Filter to change Post info
         * You can use this filter to change Post info.
         * @since 1.0.0
         * @package GeoDirectory
        $query = apply_filters('geodir_post_info_query', "SELECT p.*,pd.* FROM " . $wpdb->posts . " p," . $table . " pd
    			  WHERE p.ID = pd.post_id
    			  AND post_id = " . $post_id);
        $post_detail = $wpdb->get_row($query);
        return (!empty($post_detail)) ? $post_info = $post_detail : $post_info = false;

    I’m sorry I don’t have very much php skill! I’d really appreciate if you could take a look.

    Tnaks again for all your help!
    Kind Regards,

    Plugin Author Stiofan


    No No, you will break things if you do that, just use the function

    $post_info = geodir_get_post_info($customer_post_id);

    you could then do a print_r to show the array of info you have access to.


    Give me a ping tomorrow if you get stuck.


    Thread Starter erigriffin


    Hi Stiofan,

    Hope you had a good weekend.
    Thank you so much for your help, I’ve tried and tried last Friday and I couldn’t make it. I think it’s because of my poor PHP understanding.
    I’ll give a try this morning, and will come back to you. I just wanted to say how I’m appreciated with your help, thank you!

    Plugin Author Stiofan


    I’ll be here if you need more help ??


    Thread Starter erigriffin


    Hello Stiofan,

    Sorry for keep you wait for long time on this.
    I asked a few local developers to help me, however no one can help me on this, so I have to make it happen!

    You previously taught me that I should use;

    $post_info = geodir_get_post_info($customer_post_id); and

    I’m really sorry for my poor knowledge, would you please let me know which file and how I can use above codes? I’m keep researching, however I’m keep seeing a piece of codes, not sure where and how I can use them.

    Thank you so much for your patience!

    Plugin Author Paolo


    Hi erigriffin,

    please join our forum: https://wpgeodirectory.com/support/

    That way you’ll be able to share a URL and credentials and Stiofan will be able to assist faster.

    Thank you

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