Hi Rajeevbagra,
I think there might be a bit of confusion between WordPress users and HubSpot contacts. Typically you would not want to sync these two things.
HubSpot contacts are a way to keep track of all of your website visitors (the public) that interact with your business (or website). Typically a business with a WordPress website would have a large number of contacts. These are not admins on your HubSpot portal.
WordPress users are users that have access to update your WordPress site. Typically you would have a small number of users on a WordPress sites user list. The number of editors on your website is probably not going to increase so quickly that you would want an automated workflow to create a contact for each new user. If you create a contact for each WordPress user, you can of course create a list and group these contacts separately to your other contacts.
I feel like perhaps what you are trying to achieve is every time you add a new admin user on your WordPress website, you would like them to also be added as an admin user to your HubSpot portal? Is that correct? This would involve a different process though not contacts. Happy to explore this more if that is what you are trying to do. If not, could you please provide more details about your objective and perhaps I can be of further assistance.