User gallery?
Hi, and thank you for a great plugin!
I got an idea I wanted to talk to you about. I would like to let all users create their own photoalbum (only one) with a limited number of photos, separated from my albums so that I can display my albums like before. Then you would have another gallerypage that includes all user-galleries.
Would it be a lot of work to make something like that happen?
Created the specific situation.
There’s an almost a red line ( bottom half of the letters are chopped off ) and no green anything.
It’s not apparent enough to tell what it was, but now that you mention it, and I found my reading glasses, I can tell it’s supposed to be the red awaiting line, but no green anything.
Almost got it !Maybe this will help….
On the slideshow page, a pending photo has just below it, what appears is….<br class="wppa-approve-61" /><span class="wppa-approve-61" style="color:red">Awaiting moderation</span> <br class="wppa-approve-61" /> Approve <br class="wppa-approve-61"/>
OK, this forum won’t display properly. I expect this forum is interpreting some of the code.
It’s 6 lines of code in total.There’s an almost a red line ( bottom half of the letters are chopped off ) and no green anything.
If you set Table I-C4 ( Thumbframe height ) say 20 pixels bigger, the text becomes more visible.
As for handling moderation at the front end I am sure this is not yet complete, you might want to have a ‘Remove’ link also…?
What about moderation at the admin side? :
If a user has Upload rights, but no Album admin, and Owners only is on, he has an Edit photos menu item.
I could give users who have Moderate rights a menu item showing the same kind of list to edit photos with all ‘pending’ photos.
This can be made as secure as all admin pages are and will give any moderator quick access to the uploads that require moderation without the need to search the system through all albums.
If you set Table I-C4 ( Thumbframe height ) say 20 pixels bigger, the text becomes more visible.
In the thumbnail view, that fixed it ! Works perfectly. For me, had to go about 60 pixels to make both lines show, but it works.
I could give users who have Moderate rights a menu item showing the same kind of list to edit photos with all ‘pending’ photos.
This can be made as secure as all admin pages are and will give any moderator quick access to the uploads that require moderation without the need to search the system through all albums.
That would be a great work-saver, and a wonderful upgrade, IMHO.
Additionally,you might want to have a ‘Remove’ link also…?
Now that the pixel adjustment has worked, I might suggest that the red “awaiting moderation” itself become the remove/delete link.
If the moderator has a link to an “all pending” grouping regardless of which album the candidate photo is in, then the “awaiting” line becomes unnecessary. Either it’s in the “awaiting” group, or it isn’t.
Seems that would make it fairly self evident, and since a non-moderator would never see it, somewhat reduce page clutter.I’m thinking that combined with Peter’s login redirect plugin, I’ll be taking the photo moderator directly to that page upon log-in, so that photo moderation can be taken care of immediately, with no navigation challenges for that moderator.
Just the thoughts of one user…Great. The Awaiting moderation red line is also visible to the owner/uploader. It could be replaced by the two links for the moderator, thats a detail.
As you are no longer against an admin page, i will make it ( beginning next week, the weekend is – more or less – sacred to the family……. . .)
As you are no longer against an admin page,
I’ve been working on providing limited admin access for various roles for a variety of purposes. It’s a challenge, as by default it’s either all or nothing, but I’ve made enough progress to make it possible. “Limited” being the operative word with any kind of admin access, IMHO. ( unix background )
the weekend is – more or less – sacred to the family…….
Please try and keep it that way !
Your support and responsiveness is already above and beyond.
THANKS !I see it in 5.0.3 and it’s looking real good so far.
THANKS again.
Hi opajaap,
I just installed your plugin today.. it really looks great!
My problem is that I can’t make the functionality “album per logged user” to work.
What I need is to let the user upload images to a private album and then let him decide which images will display for public visitors. This album must be created together with the user account registration so I can see and control each album alone.
I try this members tutorial ( but did not work.
Is it possible or maybe something wrong with my theme?
I just updated the demo page with part 2:
I just found this plugin as a replacement for the paid gallery management software I was using previously for a client, and it looks great and works wonderfully. I’ve managed to get it all set up and functional except for one small (and hopefully very easy to fix) issue. Well two really, but one is a request.
The issue I am having is the multi-column display. If you look at a demo site I have set up to test the plugin here: you can see the albums display vertically one after another, while the page width certainly allows for more columns at a reduced width each. The theme is responsive, and I’d prefer 2 columns to eliminate all that wasted space.
I’ve gone through your various options and read as much as I can find on your test site and here, but can’t find any way of making this happen. I notice on your docs & demos site it is displaying in two columns pretty much how I want mine:
The second is a request: How can I prevent users from uploading to the parent album? The goal is to have an auto-created album for each registered user under the Members (or whatever it is named) parent album, and then any number of admin created albums for specific purposes that users can still upload into as they need. What I don’t want is them to upload to the parent albums and create chaos in the listings. Selecting a parent category should only show the albums contained in them, and not any images. Images should only end up in the child albums.
Secondary to this is, if some code restriction is used to prevent uploading into an album which is not a child, is it still possible to have single listing albums (with no parent) that have no children and allow uploads into these albums?
I suppose a checkbox in the Album Managmement: “Prevent uploads to this album” might work, not sure the effort that would entail though.
Many thanks, in anticipation of your reply ??
Skye.Hmm, it seems that after logging in as a different user no new album is created for it. Is the setting “Owners Only” required to be checked in order for this to function correctly?
If this is the case, how do I allow users to see other users albums? The site this will be implemented on is a scrapbooking site, where users share their designs as well as contribute to community projects. So there need to be both communal albums anyone can upload to and private albums only the user can upload to but anyone can see.
Unless I am misunderstanding the “Owners only” to mean: It restricts views and upload/edit functions?
Here are my settings: (the ones I think apply to this issue)
Owners only : Unchecked
Uploader Edit : Checked
Grant an album : Checked
Grant album name : Display Name
Grant parent : Members
Max user albums : 1 (this needs a ‘none’ option if it isn’t overridden by the following setting)
User create Albums : UncheckedEDIT: Okay after checking “Owners Only” I find it does exactly what I wanted if I change the owner of the community albums to public ?? This also prevents uploads to the parent albums so all my questions are answered with a little experimentation.
To be complete: Owners only applies to album edit capabilities only, NOT for viewing.
when the user loads the picture, thumbs isn’t generated, the rekalkulyation the administrator helps only.
how to solve this problem?
and the user doesn’t see the album, and can’t create in it the enclosed albums.
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