• mrboats


    I’m testing the Opt-Out feature on my test site. Using the shortcode versio:
    [gadwp_useroptout html_tag=”button”]Google Analytics Opt-out[/gadwp_useroptout]

    At least for me, the button provides pretty bad user experience: when I click the button (logged out), the button just blinks but there is no other indication that something actually has happened. The functions seems to be triggered as the related cookie does get set. Seems to me that most user would assume that the Opt-Out functionality was broken.

    In my dream, the behaviour could be something like this:
    – User clicks on button
    – message saying “You have now successfully blocked Google analytics”
    – the button text would change to “Click to re-enable Google Analytics”
    – clicking the button once more would remove the blocking (toggle type button).

    Am I missing something?

    To make the toggle solution translatable, both state texts should be settable in the shortcode.

    Also, on my system, the button does not follow the site general button styling, it would be nice the button retained the site styling (at least for one of the states)

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