Can you please send me the link where you saw the User Domain Whitelist filters in PB 1.3.x?
I tried to search for something like this but couldn’t find anything. (I vaguely remember working something like this).
What I can do is a custom code that will not block certain domains to register.
* Block certain email domains from registering
function wppb_check_email_domain( $message, $field, $request_data, $form_location ){
$list_of_blocked_domains = array( '', '', );
//$domain = array_pop(explode('@', $request_data['email']));
$domain = substr(strrchr($request_data['email'], "@"), 1);
if ( in_array( $domain, $list_of_blocked_domains) ) {
return __( 'The email domain you entered is not allowed on this website. Please try with a different email address.', 'profilebuilder' );
return $message;
add_filter( 'wppb_check_form_field_default-e-mail', 'wppb_check_email_domain', 20, 4 );
Then add to your $list_of_blocked_domains the domains you want blocked.
Please note this will work for Profile Builder registration and edit-profile forms.