User cannot authenticate after signup when object cache enabled
Ive just upgraded to wordpress 3.5.1 and the new object-cache.php version 2.0.2 that users some new switch to blog cache functionality.
We had this issue with the previous version of object cache, but i managed to solve it by delete the users keys when doing signup and activation of the blogs. This cleared the cached password from memcache, that for some reason is wrong.
I tried reimplement this, but it does not work. Ive put this code in my register page:
wp_cache_delete(‘users’);the hash is my KEY SALT
and again on the activation page i use this
wp_cache_delete(‘users’);This should clear the cached users and their password, so auth will happens against the password in the mysql database.
I added theese 2 functions to object-cache.php to handle they key deletion
#hack by tonny
function wp_cache_key_delete($key) {
global $wp_object_cache;return $wp_object_cache->key_delete($key);
}and this
function key_delete($key) {
$mc =& $this->get_mc($group);
$result = $mc->delete($key);
@ ++$this->stats[‘delete’];
$this->group_ops[$group][] = “delete $id”;if ( false !== $result )
unset($this->cache[$key]);return $result;
}Has any of you had similar issues with users not beging able to login when signing up / registering a blog ?
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