• One day my plug-in was completely broken with no warning. I eventually figured out (after about a week) you created a whole new plug-in in order to strip this plug-in of any features that gave it any value. In fact, all of the useful features such as Code Magic have been completely removed from free version. Even worse the pricing scheme for the pro version is completely convoluted. what is a “network” install anyway? lol I have I installed this plug-in on a few hundred customer websites so I can use Code Magic to fix broken pages caused by the quirky nature of the WordPress editor. I even helped you find a few bugs. Remember the Code Magic session_start(); bug? Now I have to pay $279.00? Thank you for making my favorite plug-in completely useless.

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  • Plugin Author Josh


    I appreciate your time in making a review; and your frustrations. I can assure you no one was frustrated as much as I, when I noticed the TinyMCE framework had been updated; and all addons used in Ultimate Tinymce failed.

    I would encourage you to read this article I wrote; much of these changes were beyond my control:

    In regards to informing of the change; I have had notices posted for the last two months; on the main WP plugin page; in the changelog; and as a plugin update message. Additionally, I sent out warnings to everyone who signed up to my free newsletter (did you?). I’m not sure what else I could have done here to alert of the changes. Also, you should consider the fact I was “proactive” in making the changes; rather than “reactive”.

    In regards to pricing; if you have installed this on “a few hundred customer websites”; then is the $279 really that ridiculous. What is that; a dollar a website? I imagine you receive far more than a dollar profit from each of your clients. But, I’m not here to make it a numbers game… I’m simply stating a different perspective.

    If you could understand the 12 months I have put into this updated editor so far; and the miraculous changes I’ve been able to make (such as reviving the other plugins (code magic) that would have otherwise died with TinyMCE version 3); then perhaps you could understand my reasoning for having to charge for the advanced functionality I spend hours and hours creating.

    I appreciate your help. I really do. I would have been happy to work with you had you contacted me directly. Unfortunately, a one star rating pretty much leaves me with the understanding you have nothing left to say.

    Again, thank you for your time in leaving a plugin review.

    Well said Josh. I have always found you to be very supportive and when I discovered the issue you told me about it immediately that I emailed you at the support desk. ou also gave me the solution – which is more than I can say for Optimize Press who have had the same issues with WP 3.9.

    @nullmem: Thanks for the warning, I’ll stay away from this one for now.

    I don’t mind paying for plugins… However, when a developer is willing to purposefully cripple free (or lower-tier versions) by removing features, rather than simply making the premium versions better, I take that as a sign to stay away.

    Nowadays, with the SaaS model becoming so prevalent, you need to pay extra-close attention to the businesses practices of the vendors before you get tied up with them.

    @josh: You’re right, $280/yr is not a whole lot if you have dozens or hundreds of sites. But, you’ve got to remember that your plugin is just one of dozens of other premium themes and plugins that we may also be using — and it can add up very quickly.

    Then, the issue is compounded given the frequency that vendors tend to change their licensing terms. Again, it goes back to what I was saying in regards to observing patterns of business practice — vendors who keep things as simple and consistent as possible are far more appealing.

    I don’t want to have to worry about features that I’ve become reliant upon to be taken away and moved up the premium ladder at some point in the future (a pattern which already has precedence).

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