• Resolved foochuck



    I’m trying to use this plugin in conjunction with WooCommerce to customize some strings on the checkout page of my site. The plugin works for regular posts / pages on my site, but it doesn’t work to replace strings in the ‘Your Order’ on the /checkout view of the site.

    Is anyone familiar with a solution on how to use the text-replace plugin with WooCommerce?


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  • Plugin Author Scott Reilly


    WordPress & Plugin Developer

    @foochuck : Do you happen to know how the data you want text-replaced is stored by WooCommerce? If that data passes through a WordPress filter, then it’s likely just a one-liner of code to process that text.

    I’m not familiar with WooCommerce’s code so I don’t know the answer offhand myself. If you don’t either, a few more details (or an example) of the sort of thing your looking to have text-replaced might make a quick scan of their code possible.

    Thread Starter foochuck


    Hi Scott,

    Thanks for your reply. I have since found a solution by creating a hook through my functions.php for WooCommerce.

    Unfortunately I didn’t use the ‘Text Replace’ plugin for this, however I’ll definitely be utilizing it in the future.

    Thanks for your reply. Issue resolved.

    @foochuck can you share your piece of code ? Thanks.

    @scott woocommerce support would be great. Woocommerce uses other post type (product) as i understand. Thanks.

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