Use variables also in subject
It would be very useful to use email variables in email subjects too.
I made the change:
<?php if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; function acui_import_users( $file, $form_data, $attach_id = 0, $is_cron = false, $is_frontend = false ){ ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2><?php echo apply_filters( 'acui_log_main_title', __('Importing users','import-users-from-csv-with-meta') ); ?></h2> <?php set_time_limit(0); do_action( 'before_acui_import_users' ); global $wpdb; $wp_users_fields = acui_get_wp_users_fields(); $acui_not_meta_fields = acui_get_not_meta_fields(); $acui_restricted_fields = acui_get_restricted_fields(); if( is_plugin_active( 'wp-access-areas/wp-access-areas.php' ) ){ $wpaa_labels = WPAA_AccessArea::get_available_userlabels(); } $buddypress_fields = array(); if( is_plugin_active( 'buddypress/bp-loader.php' ) ){ $profile_groups = BP_XProfile_Group::get( array( 'fetch_fields' => true ) ); if ( !empty( $profile_groups ) ) { foreach ( $profile_groups as $profile_group ) { if ( !empty( $profile_group->fields ) ) { foreach ( $profile_group->fields as $field ) { $buddypress_fields[] = $field->name; $buddypress_types[] = $field->type; } } } } } $users_registered = array(); $headers = array(); $headers_filtered = array(); $is_backend = !$is_frontend && !$is_cron; $update_existing_users = isset( $form_data["update_existing_users"] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $form_data["update_existing_users"] ) : ''; $role_default = isset( $form_data["role"] ) ? $form_data["role"] : array( '' ); if( !is_array( $role_default ) ) $role_default = array( $role_default ); array_walk( $role_default, 'sanitize_text_field' ); $update_roles_existing_users = isset( $form_data["update_roles_existing_users"] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $form_data["update_roles_existing_users"] ) : ''; $empty_cell_action = isset( $form_data["empty_cell_action"] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $form_data["empty_cell_action"] ) : ''; $delete_users = isset( $form_data["delete_users"] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $form_data["delete_users"] ) : ''; $delete_users_assign_posts = isset( $form_data["delete_users_assign_posts"] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $form_data["delete_users_assign_posts"] ) : ''; $delete_users_only_specified_role = isset( $form_data["delete_users_only_specified_role"] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $form_data["delete_users_only_specified_role"] ) : false; $change_role_not_present = isset( $form_data["change_role_not_present"] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $form_data["change_role_not_present"] ) : ''; $change_role_not_present_role = isset( $form_data["change_role_not_present_role"] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $form_data["change_role_not_present_role"] ) : ''; $activate_users_wp_members = ( !isset( $form_data["activate_users_wp_members"] ) || empty( $form_data["activate_users_wp_members"] ) ) ? "no_activate" : sanitize_text_field( $form_data["activate_users_wp_members"] ); if( $is_cron ){ $allow_multiple_accounts = ( get_option( "acui_cron_allow_multiple_accounts" ) == "allowed" ) ? "allowed" : "not_allowed"; } else { $allow_multiple_accounts = ( empty( $form_data["allow_multiple_accounts"] ) ) ? "not_allowed" : sanitize_text_field( $form_data["allow_multiple_accounts"] ); } $approve_users_new_user_approve = ( empty( $form_data["approve_users_new_user_appove"] ) ) ? "no_approve" : sanitize_text_field( $form_data["approve_users_new_user_appove"] ); update_option( "acui_manually_send_mail", isset( $form_data["sends_email"] ) && $form_data["sends_email"] == 'yes' ); update_option( "acui_manually_send_mail_updated", isset( $form_data["send_email_updated"] ) && $form_data["send_email_updated"] == 'yes' ); // disable WordPress default emails if this must be disabled if( !get_option('acui_automatic_wordpress_email') ){ add_filter( 'send_email_change_email', function() { return false; }, 999 ); add_filter( 'send_password_change_email', function() { return false; }, 999 ); } // action echo apply_filters( "acui_log_header", "<h3>" . __('Ready to registers','import-users-from-csv-with-meta') . "</h3>" ); echo apply_filters( "acui_log_header_first_row_explanation", "<p>" . __('First row represents the form of sheet','import-users-from-csv-with-meta') . "</p>" ); $row = 0; $positions = array(); $error_importing = false; ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings',TRUE); $delimiter = acui_detect_delimiter( $file ); $manager = new SplFileObject( $file ); while ( $data = $manager->fgetcsv( $delimiter ) ): if( empty($data[0]) ) continue; if( count( $data ) == 1 ) $data = $data[0]; if( !is_array( $data ) ){ echo apply_filters( 'acui_message_csv_file_bad_formed', __( 'CSV file seems to be bad formed. Please use LibreOffice to create and manage CSV to be sure the format is correct', 'import-users-from-csv-with-meta') ); break; } foreach ( $data as $key => $value ){ $data[ $key ] = preg_replace( '/<script\b[^>]*>(.*?)<\/script>/is', '', trim( $value ) ); } for( $i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++ ){ $data[$i] = acui_string_conversion( $data[$i] ); if( is_serialized( $data[$i] ) ) // serialized $data[$i] = maybe_unserialize( $data[$i] ); elseif( strpos( $data[$i], "::" ) !== false ) // list of items $data[$i] = explode( "::", $data[$i] ); } if( $row == 0 ): $data = apply_filters( 'pre_acui_import_header', $data ); // check min columns username - email if(count( $data ) < 2){ echo "<div id='message' class='error'>" . __( 'File must contain at least 2 columns: username and email', 'import-users-from-csv-with-meta' ) . "</div>"; break; } $i = 0; $password_position = false; $id_position = false; foreach ( $acui_restricted_fields as $acui_restricted_field ) { $positions[ $acui_restricted_field ] = false; } foreach( $data as $element ){ $headers[] = $element; if( in_array( strtolower( $element ) , $acui_restricted_fields ) ) $positions[ strtolower( $element ) ] = $i; if( !in_array( strtolower( $element ), $acui_restricted_fields ) && !in_array( $element, $buddypress_fields ) ) $headers_filtered[] = $element; $i++; } $columns = count( $data ); update_option( "acui_columns", $headers_filtered ); ?> <style type="text/css"> .wrap{ overflow-x:auto!important; } .wrap table{ min-width:800px!important; } .wrap table th, .wrap table td{ width:200px!important; } </style> <h3><?php echo apply_filters( 'acui_log_inserting_updating_data_title', __( 'Inserting and updating data', 'import-users-from-csv-with-meta' ) ); ?></h3> <table> <tr> <th><?php _e( 'Row', 'import-users-from-csv-with-meta' ); ?></th> <?php foreach( $headers as $element ): echo "<th>" . $element . "</th>"; endforeach; ?> <?php do_action( 'acui_header_table_extra_rows' ); ?> </tr> <?php $row++; else: $data = apply_filters( 'pre_acui_import_single_user_data', $data, $headers ); if( count( $data ) != $columns ): // if number of columns is not the same that columns in header echo '<script>alert("' . __( 'Row number', 'import-users-from-csv-with-meta' ) . " $row " . __( 'does not have the same columns than the header, we are going to skip', 'import-users-from-csv-with-meta') . '");</script>'; $error_importing = true; continue; endif; do_action('pre_acui_import_single_user', $headers, $data ); $data = apply_filters('pre_acui_import_single_user_data', $data, $headers); $username = $data[0]; $email = $data[1]; $user_id = 0; $problematic_row = false; $password_position = $positions["password"]; $password = ""; $role_position = $positions["role"]; $role = ""; $id_position = $positions["id"]; if ( !empty( $id_position ) ) $id = $data[ $id_position ]; else $id = ""; $created = true; if( $password_position === false ){ $password = wp_generate_password( apply_filters( 'acui_auto_password_length', 12 ), apply_filters( 'acui_auto_password_special_chars', true ), apply_filters( 'acui_auto_password_extra_special_chars', false ) ); } else{ $password = $data[ $password_position ]; } if( $role_position === false ){ $role = $role_default; } else{ $roles_cells = explode( ',', $data[ $role_position ] ); if( !is_array( $roles_cells ) ) $roles_cells = array( $roles_cells ); array_walk( $roles_cells, 'trim' ); $role = $roles_cells; } if( !empty( $id ) ){ // if user have used id if( acui_user_id_exists( $id ) ){ if( $update_existing_users == 'no' ){ continue; } // we check if username is the same than in row $user = get_user_by( 'ID', $id ); if( $user->user_login == $username ){ $user_id = $id; if( $password !== "" ) wp_set_password( $password, $user_id ); if( !empty( $email ) ) { $updateEmailArgs = array( 'ID' => $user_id, 'user_email' => $email ); wp_update_user( $updateEmailArgs ); } $created = false; } else{ echo '<script>alert("' . __( 'Problems with ID', 'import-users-from-csv-with-meta' ) . ": $id , " . __( 'username is not the same in the CSV and in database, we are going to skip.', 'import-users-from-csv-with-meta' ) . '");</script>'; continue; } } else{ $userdata = array( 'ID' => $id, 'user_login' => $username, 'user_email' => $email, 'user_pass' => $password ); $user_id = wp_insert_user( $userdata ); $created = true; } } elseif( !empty( $email ) && ( ( sanitize_email( $email ) == '' ) ) ){ // if email is invalid $problematic_row = true; $error_importing = true; $data[0] = __('Invalid EMail','import-users-from-csv-with-meta')." ($email)"; } elseif( empty( $email) ) { // if email is blank $problematic_row = true; $error_importing = true; $data[0] = __( 'EMail not specified', 'import-users-from-csv-with-meta' ); } elseif( username_exists( $username ) ){ // if user exists, we take his ID by login, we will update his mail if it has changed if( $update_existing_users == 'no' ){ continue; } $user_object = get_user_by( "login", $username ); $user_id = $user_object->ID; if( $password !== "" ) wp_set_password( $password, $user_id ); if( !empty( $email ) ) { $updateEmailArgs = array( 'ID' => $user_id, 'user_email' => $email ); $update_email_result = wp_update_user( $updateEmailArgs ); if( is_wp_error( $update_email_result ) ){ $problematic_row = true; $error_importing = true; $data[0] = $update_email_result->get_error_message(); } } $created = false; } elseif( email_exists( $email ) && $allow_multiple_accounts == "not_allowed" ){ // if the email is registered, we take the user from this and we don't allow repeated emails if( $update_existing_users == 'no' ){ continue; } $user_object = get_user_by( "email", $email ); $user_id = $user_object->ID; $data[0] = __( 'User already exists as:', 'import-users-from-csv-with-meta' ) . $user_object->user_login . '<br/>' . __( '(in this CSV file is called:', 'import-users-from-csv-with-meta' ) . $username . ")"; $problematic_row = true; $error_importing = true; if( $password !== "" ) wp_set_password( $password, $user_id ); $created = false; } elseif( email_exists( $email ) && $allow_multiple_accounts == "allowed" ){ // if the email is registered and repeated emails are allowed // if user is new, but the password in csv is empty, generate a password for this user if( $password === "" ) { $password = wp_generate_password( apply_filters( 'acui_auto_password_length', 12 ), apply_filters( 'acui_auto_password_special_chars', true ), apply_filters( 'acui_auto_password_extra_special_chars', false ) ); } $hacked_email = acui_hack_email( $email ); $user_id = wp_create_user( $username, $password, $hacked_email ); acui_hack_restore_remapped_email_address( $user_id, $email ); } else{ // if user is new, but the password in csv is empty, generate a password for this user if( $password === "" ) { $password = wp_generate_password( apply_filters( 'acui_auto_password_length', 12 ), apply_filters( 'acui_auto_password_special_chars', true ), apply_filters( 'acui_auto_password_extra_special_chars', false ) ); } $user_id = wp_create_user( $username, $password, $email ); } if( is_wp_error( $user_id ) ){ // in case the user is generating errors after this checks $error_string = $user_id->get_error_message(); echo '<script>alert("' . __( 'Problems with user:', 'import-users-from-csv-with-meta' ) . $username . __( ', we are going to skip. \r\nError: ', 'import-users-from-csv-with-meta') . $error_string . '");</script>'; $error_importing = true; continue; } $users_registered[] = $user_id; $user_object = new WP_User( $user_id ); if( $created || $update_roles_existing_users != 'no' ){ if( !( in_array("administrator", acui_get_roles($user_id), FALSE) || is_multisite() && is_super_admin( $user_id ) )){ if( $update_roles_existing_users == 'yes' || $created ){ $default_roles = $user_object->roles; foreach ( $default_roles as $default_role ) { $user_object->remove_role( $default_role ); } } if( $update_roles_existing_users == 'yes' || $update_roles_existing_users == 'yes_no_override' || $created ){ if( !empty( $role ) ){ if( is_array( $role ) ){ foreach ($role as $single_role) { $user_object->add_role( $single_role ); } } else{ $user_object->add_role( $role ); } } $invalid_roles = array(); if( !empty( $role ) ){ if( !is_array( $role ) ){ $role_tmp = $role; $role = array(); $role[] = $role_tmp; } foreach ($role as $single_role) { $single_role = strtolower($single_role); if( get_role( $single_role ) ){ $user_object->add_role( $single_role ); } else{ $invalid_roles[] = trim( $single_role ); } } } if ( !empty( $invalid_roles ) ){ $problematic_row = true; $error_importing = true; if( count( $invalid_roles ) == 1 ) $data[0] = __('Invalid role','import-users-from-csv-with-meta').' (' . reset( $invalid_roles ) . ')'; else $data[0] = __('Invalid roles','import-users-from-csv-with-meta').' (' . implode( ', ', $invalid_roles ) . ')'; } } } } // Multisite add user to current blog if( is_multisite() && ( $created || $update_roles_existing_users != 'no' ) ){ if( !empty( $role ) ){ if( is_array( $role ) ){ foreach ($role as $single_role) { add_user_to_blog( get_current_blog_id(), $user_id, $single_role ); } } else{ add_user_to_blog( get_current_blog_id(), $user_id, $role ); } } } // WP Members activation if( $activate_users_wp_members == "activate" ){ update_user_meta( $user_id, "active", true ); } // New User Approve if( $approve_users_new_user_approve == "approve" ){ update_user_meta( $user_id, "pw_user_status", "approved" ); } else{ update_user_meta( $user_id, "pending", true ); } if( $columns > 2 ){ for( $i = 2 ; $i < $columns; $i++ ): $data[$i] = apply_filters( 'pre_acui_import_single_user_single_data', $data[$i], $headers[$i], $i ); if( !empty( $data ) ){ if( strtolower( $headers[ $i ] ) == "password" ){ // passwords -> continue continue; } elseif( strtolower( $headers[ $i ] ) == "user_pass" ){ // hashed pass $wpdb->update( $wpdb->users, array( 'user_pass' => wp_slash( $data[ $i ] ) ), array( 'ID' => $user_id ) ); wp_cache_delete( $user_id, 'users' ); continue; } elseif( in_array( $headers[ $i ], $wp_users_fields ) ){ // wp_user data if( $data[ $i ] === '' && $empty_cell_action == "leave" ){ continue; } else{ wp_update_user( array( 'ID' => $user_id, $headers[ $i ] => $data[ $i ] ) ); continue; } } elseif( strtolower( $headers[ $i ] ) == "wp-access-areas" && is_plugin_active( 'wp-access-areas/wp-access-areas.php' ) ){ // wp-access-areas $active_labels = array_map( 'trim', explode( "#", $data[ $i ] ) ); foreach( $wpaa_labels as $wpa_label ){ if( in_array( $wpa_label->cap_title , $active_labels )){ acui_set_cap_for_user( $wpa_label->capability , $user_object , true ); } else{ acui_set_cap_for_user( $wpa_label->capability , $user_object , false ); } } continue; } elseif( ( $bpf_pos = array_search( $headers[ $i ], $buddypress_fields ) ) !== false ){ // buddypress switch( $buddypress_types[ $bpf_pos ] ){ case 'datebox': $date = $data[$i]; switch( true ){ case is_numeric( $date ): $UNIX_DATE = ($date - 25569) * 86400; $datebox = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", $UNIX_DATE);break; case preg_match('/(\d{1,2})[\/-](\d{1,2})[\/-]([4567890]{1}\d{1})/',$date,$match): $match[3]='19'.$match[3]; case preg_match('/(\d{1,2})[\/-](\d{1,2})[\/-](20[4567890]{1}\d{1})/',$date,$match): case preg_match('/(\d{1,2})[\/-](\d{1,2})[\/-](19[4567890]{1}\d{1})/',$date,$match): $datebox= ($match[3].'-'.$match[2].'-'.$match[1]); break; default: $datebox = $date; } $datebox = strtotime( $datebox ); xprofile_set_field_data( $headers[$i], $user_id, date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $datebox ) ); unset( $datebox ); break; default: xprofile_set_field_data( $headers[$i], $user_id, $data[$i] ); } continue; } elseif( $headers[ $i ] == 'bp_group' ){ // buddypress group $groups = explode( ',', $data[ $i ] ); $groups_role = explode( ',', $data[ $positions[ 'bp_group_role' ] ] ); for( $j = 0; $j < count( $groups ); $j++ ){ $group_id = BP_Groups_Group::group_exists( $groups[ $j ] ); if( !empty( $group_id ) ){ groups_join_group( $group_id, $user_id ); if( $groups_role[ $j ] == 'Moderator' ){ groups_promote_member( $user_id, $group_id, 'mod' ); } elseif( $groups_role[ $j ] == 'Administrator' ){ groups_promote_member( $user_id, $group_id, 'admin' ); } } } continue; } elseif( $headers[ $i ] == 'member_type' ){ // buddypress member_type bp_set_member_type( $user_id, $data[$i] ); continue; } elseif( $headers[ $i ] == 'bp_group_role' ){ continue; } elseif( in_array( $headers[ $i ], $acui_not_meta_fields ) ){ continue; } else{ // wp_usermeta data if( $data[ $i ] === '' ){ if( $empty_cell_action == "delete" ) delete_user_meta( $user_id, $headers[ $i ] ); else continue; } else{ update_user_meta( $user_id, $headers[ $i ], $data[ $i ] ); continue; } } } endfor; } $styles = ""; if( $problematic_row ) $styles = "background-color:red; color:white;"; echo "<tr style='$styles' ><td>" . ($row - 1) . "</td>"; foreach ( $data as $element ){ if( is_array( $element ) ) $element = implode ( ',' , $element ); $element = sanitize_textarea_field( $element ); echo "<td>$element</td>"; } do_action('post_acui_import_single_user', $headers, $data, $user_id, $role ); echo "</tr>\n"; flush(); $mail_for_this_user = false; if( $is_cron ){ if( get_option( "acui_cron_send_mail" ) ){ if( $created || ( !$created && get_option( "acui_cron_send_mail_updated" ) ) ){ $mail_for_this_user = true; } } } else{ if( isset( $form_data["sends_email"] ) && $form_data["sends_email"] ){ if( $created || ( !$created && ( isset( $form_data["send_email_updated"] ) && $form_data["send_email_updated"] ) ) ) $mail_for_this_user = true; } } // wordpress default user created and edited emails if( get_option('acui_automatic_created_edited_wordpress_email') == 'true' && $created ){ do_action( 'register_new_user', $user_id ); } if( get_option('acui_automatic_created_edited_wordpress_email') == 'true' && !$created ){ do_action( 'edit_user_created_user', $user_id, 'both' ); } // send mail if( isset( $mail_for_this_user ) && $mail_for_this_user ): $key = get_password_reset_key( $user_object ); $user_login= $user_object->user_login; $body_mail = get_option( "acui_mail_body" ); $subject = get_option( "acui_mail_subject" ); $body_mail = str_replace( "**loginurl**", wp_login_url(), $body_mail ); $body_mail = str_replace( "**username**", $user_login, $body_mail ); $body_mail = str_replace( "**lostpasswordurl**", wp_lostpassword_url(), $body_mail ); $subject = str_replace( "**username**", $user_login, $subject ); if( !is_wp_error( $key ) ){ $passwordreseturl = apply_filters( 'acui_email_passwordreseturl', network_site_url( 'wp-login.php?action=rp&key=' . $key . '&login=' . rawurlencode( $user_login ), 'login' ) ); $body_mail = str_replace( "**passwordreseturl**", $passwordreseturl, $body_mail ); $passwordreseturllink = wp_sprintf( '<a href="%s">%s</a>', $passwordreseturl, __( 'Password reset link', 'import-users-from-csv-with-meta' ) ); $body_mail = str_replace( "**passwordreseturllink**", $passwordreseturllink, $body_mail ); } if( empty( $password ) && !$created ) $password = __( 'Password has not been changed', 'import-users-from-csv-with-meta' ); $body_mail = str_replace("**password**", $password, $body_mail); $body_mail = str_replace("**email**", $email, $body_mail); foreach ( $wp_users_fields as $wp_users_field ) { if( $positions[ $wp_users_field ] != false && $wp_users_field != "password" ){ $body_mail = str_replace("**" . $wp_users_field . "**", $data[ $positions[ $wp_users_field ] ] , $body_mail); $subject = str_replace("**" . $wp_users_field . "**", $data[ $positions[ $wp_users_field ] ] , $subject); } } for( $i = 0 ; $i < count( $headers ); $i++ ) { $data[ $i ] = ( is_array( $data[ $i ] ) ) ? implode( "-", $data[ $i ] ) : $data[ $i ]; $body_mail = str_replace("**" . $headers[ $i ] . "**", $data[ $i ] , $body_mail); $subject = str_replace("**" . $headers[ $i ] . "**", $data[ $i ] , $subject); } $body_mail = wpautop( $body_mail ); $headers_mail = apply_filters( 'acui_import_email_headers', array( 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8' ), $headers, $data ); $attachments = array(); $attachment_id = get_option( 'acui_mail_attachment_id' ); if( !empty( $attachment_id ) ) $attachments[] = get_attached_file( $attachment_id ); wp_mail( apply_filters( 'acui_import_email_to', $email, $headers, $data ), $subject, $body_mail, $headers_mail ); endif; endif; $row++; endwhile; // let the filter of default WordPress emails as it were before deactivating them if( !get_option('acui_automatic_wordpress_email') ){ remove_filter( 'send_email_change_email', function() { return false; }, 999 ); remove_filter( 'send_password_change_email', function() { return false; }, 999 ); } if( $attach_id != 0 ) wp_delete_attachment( $attach_id ); // delete all users that have not been imported $delete_users_flag = false; $change_role_not_present_flag = false; if( $delete_users == 'yes' ){ $delete_users_flag = true; } if( $is_cron && get_option( "acui_cron_delete_users" ) ){ $delete_users_flag = true; $delete_users_assign_posts = get_option( "acui_cron_delete_users_assign_posts"); } if( $is_backend && $change_role_not_present == 'yes' ){ $change_role_not_present_flag = true; } if( $is_cron && !empty( get_option( "acui_cron_change_role_not_present" ) ) ){ $change_role_not_present_flag = true; $change_role_not_present_role = get_option( "acui_cron_change_role_not_present_role"); } if( $is_frontend && !empty( get_option( "acui_frontend_change_role_not_present" ) ) ){ $change_role_not_present_flag = true; $change_role_not_present_role = get_option( "acui_frontend_change_role_not_present_role"); } if( $error_importing ){ // if there is some problem of some kind importing we won't proceed with delete or changing role to users not present to avoid problems $delete_users_flag = false; $change_role_not_present_flag = false; } if( $delete_users_flag ): require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/user.php'); $args = array( 'fields' => array( 'ID' ), 'role__not_in' => array( 'administrator' ) ); if( $delete_users_only_specified_role ){ $args[ 'role__in' ] = $role_default; } $all_users = get_users( $args ); $all_users_ids = array_map( function( $element ){ return intval( $element->ID ); }, $all_users ); $users_to_remove = array_diff( $all_users_ids, $users_registered ); $delete_users_assign_posts = ( get_userdata( $delete_users_assign_posts ) === false ) ? false : $delete_users_assign_posts; foreach ( $users_to_remove as $user_id ) { ( empty( $delete_users_assign_posts ) ) ? wp_delete_user( $user_id ) : wp_delete_user( $user_id, $delete_users_assign_posts ); } endif; if( $change_role_not_present ): require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/user.php'); $all_users = get_users( array( 'fields' => array( 'ID' ), 'role__not_in' => array( 'administrator' ) ) ); foreach ( $all_users as $user ) { if( !in_array( $user->ID, $users_registered ) ){ $user_object = new WP_User( $user->ID ); $user_object->set_role( $change_role_not_present_role ); } } endif; ?> </table> <?php if( !$is_frontend ): ?> <br/> <p><?php _e( 'Process finished you can go', 'import-users-from-csv-with-meta' ); ?> <a href="<?php echo get_admin_url( null, 'users.php' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'here to see results', 'import-users-from-csv-with-meta' ); ?></a></p> <?php endif; ?> <?php ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings',FALSE); do_action( 'after_acui_import_users' ); ?> </div> <?php } function acui_options(){ if ( !current_user_can( 'create_users' ) ) { wp_die( __( 'You are not allowed to see this content.', 'import-users-from-csv-with-meta' )); } if ( isset ( $_GET['tab'] ) ) $tab = $_GET['tab']; else $tab = 'homepage'; if( isset( $_POST ) && !empty( $_POST ) ): if ( !wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['security'], 'codection-security' ) ) { wp_die( __( 'Nonce check failed', 'import-users-from-csv-with-meta' ) ); } switch ( $tab ){ case 'homepage': update_option( 'acui_last_roles_used', ( empty( $_POST['role'] ) ? '' : array_map( 'sanitize_text_field', $_POST['role'] ) ) ); acui_fileupload_process( $_POST, false ); return; break; case 'frontend': do_action( 'acui_frontend_save_settings', $_POST ); break; case 'columns': acui_manage_extra_profile_fields( $_POST ); break; case 'mail-options': acui_save_mail_template( $_POST ); break; case 'cron': do_action( 'acui_cron_save_settings', $_POST ); break; } endif; if ( isset ( $_GET['tab'] ) ) acui_admin_tabs( $_GET['tab'] ); else acui_admin_tabs('homepage'); switch ( $tab ){ case 'homepage' : ACUI_Homepage::admin_gui(); break; case 'export' : ACUI_Exporter::admin_gui(); break; case 'frontend': ACUI_Frontend::admin_gui(); break; case 'columns': ACUI_Columns::admin_gui(); break; case 'meta-keys': ACUI_MetaKeys::admin_gui(); break; case 'doc': ACUI_Doc::message(); break; case 'mail-options': ACUI_Email_Options::admin_gui(); break; case 'cron': ACUI_Cron::admin_gui(); break; case 'donate': ACUI_Donate::message(); break; case 'help': ACUI_Help::message(); break; case 'new_features': ACUI_NewFeatures::message(); break; default: do_action( 'acui_tab_action_' . $tab ); break; } }
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