It’s possible in theory with some manual editing of the plugin, but it seems a bit convoluted. Can you not use the original dynamic shortcode in the text field instead of [therm_r]?
Nevertheless, you can save a shortcode in the settings page, then get the [thermometer] shortcode to parse it by amending around line 120 of therm_shortcode.php with something like this:
//raised value
if ($atts['raised'] == '' && !empty($options['raised_string'])){
if (!is_numeric(str_replace(",", ".", $options['raised_string'])) && (strpos( $options['raised_string'], ';') === false) && !is_numeric(str_replace(',','', $options['raised_string']))) {
$shortcode = strval($options['raised_string']);
$thermProperties['raised'] = do_shortcode( $shortcode);
$thermProperties['raised'] = $options['raised_string'];
// if shortcode present
if (!is_numeric(str_replace(",", ".", $atts['raised'])) && (strpos($atts['raised'], ';') === false) && !is_numeric(str_replace(',','',$atts['raised']))) {
$shortcode = "[".strval($atts['raised'])."]";
$atts['raised'] = do_shortcode( $shortcode);
$thermProperties['raised'] = strval($atts['raised']);
You will also need to amend the therm_raised() function at the bottom of the same file since you now want the [therm_r] shortcode to parse this saved shortcode too. Inserting something like this should work:
if (!is_numeric(str_replace(",", ".", $options['raised_string'])) && (strpos( $options['raised_string'], ';') === false) && !is_numeric(str_replace(',','', $options['raised_string']))) {
$shortcode = strval($options['raised_string']);
$raisedA = array(do_shortcode( $shortcode));
$raisedA = explode(';',$options['raised_string']);
This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by