Thanks for your reply. Perhaps ours is a special case, we have a closed system. We have a CAS server, a WP server, and various custom application servers. We control the CAS server and services supported (targeted sites/services). We are using the WP server as the authentication repository. (I don’t know if that is the correct term) What I mean is, the CAS server looks up users trying to access our servers/services against the WP database. Plus we turned off regular WP logins via Authorizer so a user must create a WP account prior to being able to obtain access to any of our other custom application servers/services via our CAS server. We have no plans to support any outside systems with our CAS server. We are using Authorizer to handle access to the WP site from CAS and we are using the user’s email address in our custom applications for identification of the users there. Then I discovered that WP users can change their email addresses (I am new to WP) which made our approach a house of cards. If a user changes their email in WP, the linkage to our other systems fails. I investigated WP for a setting which would disallow email updates but that doesn’t make sense because it happens in the real world – (name change, service change, …) Plus being new at WP I wish to keep my instance as vanilla as possible. At this time I learned that WP users cannot change their user names and asked this question.
My thinking is user name or email address, it is just a string which must be unique to identify a user. I hope this provides better context for my request.
I believe I understand the security issue you describe in your reply. But since we would be using the WP user names in our “external” systems which WP guarantees to be unique and I believe our CAS server is configured to only go to our sites/services; that issue may be moot. There will be no accidental overlap, it is a deliberate equality we wish to maintain. Anyhow it is hard to say if this use case is wide spread (somehow I doubt it) or how hard it would be to point Authorizer at user name instead of email but unless you ask the question… You know. Thanks again for your attention – Regards Kevin