I’m new here, and it seems I encounter the same problem.
My actual configuration
– Version de WordPress : 3.8.1
– Used theme: Lifestyle_20 (Studiopress)
– Plugins en place : several
– Hosting: https://www.one.com
In my header.php file I would like to add several clickable areas. So I thought i would use IMAP with this part of code:
<div class=”headerright”>
<img src=”https://wwww.ubhc.be/UBHC/wp-content/themes/Lifestyle_20/images/logo.png” alt=”” height=”100″ width=”961″ usemap=”#logo961x100cc1114″ border=”0″>
<map name=”logo961x100cc1114″>
<area title=”Région de Bruxelles Capitale” shape=”rect” coords=”722,23,756,59″ href=”https://www.bruxelles.irisnet.be/” alt=”” target=”_blank”>
<area title=”Ville de Bruxelles – Sports” shape=”rect” coords=”757,23,791,59″ href=”https://www.bruxelles.be/artdet.cfm/4109″ alt=”” target=”_blank”>
<area title=”Commune de Schaerbeek – Sports” shape=”rect” coords=”792,23,828,59″ href=”https://www.schaerbeek.be/vivre-schaerbeek/organisation-politique-gestion-administrative-commune/elus/college/membres-college/sait-koese-6eme-echevin” alt=”” target=”_blank”>
<area title=”Commune d’Anderlecht” shape=”rect” coords=”829,22,867,60″ href=”https://www.anderlecht.be/sports” alt=”” target=”_blank”>
<area title=”ADEPS” shape=”rect” coords=”869,22,908,61″ href=”https://www.adeps.be/index.asp” alt=”” target=”_blank”>
<area title=”LFH” shape=”rect” coords=”910,22,950,61″ href=”https://www.handball.be” alt=”” target=”_blank”>
I have changed many things to this code without success. The only thing it does is display the logo.png image.
Any indication or help would be appreciated.
The site is https://www.ubhc.be/UBHC
Thanks in advance.
William De Wulf